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Roosting Turkeys?

Started by pitw, August 25, 2009, 09:38:55 PM

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How do you guys find roosting turkeys?
I say what I think not think what I say.


They gobble.......and when they dont....you can hear em fly up....
If they been on the roost for a while ......you can hit a real loud coyote howler, crow call, owl hooter or a wood pecker call or even a real loud gobble and shock gobble them....the loud noise will sometimes scare them and they wake up with a gobble.... :eyebrow:

does that help?


They roost right about dusk.  Like Al said sometimes they gobble on the roost or you might hear them fly up if you are close enough.   If you can pin point one the evening before, you are way a head of the game the next morning.   :eyebrow:

I have seen them fly up in the middle of the day.  If they get scared or want to check something out they will fly up in to the trees.  If you scare them bad enough they may fly to the next county.   :biggrin:

In KY it is illegal to shoot a roosting turkey.


Now we are getting to where I'm going here.  So you can't shoot them but how high do they roost?  Can you grab one for supper or are they out of range?  I'd think they should be easily caught :shrug:
I say what I think not think what I say.


I know what youre saying Barry.....A tame one you probably could.....
The eastern wild turkey?  :nono:    Will fly away at the first glimpse of trouble..... :eyebrownod:


You ain't a gonna grab one.  That's for sure!    :nono:


If you do happen to catch one, hang on for the fight of your life   :wink:


And make sure Don or Bob is filming it for us. :eyebrownod:
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Man I'd sure try it in the dark if I had them here :wink:.  I live to do stuff like that but not snakes :puke:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I have gotten pretty close to them in the dark coyote hunting at night..... Never wanted to climb 40 ft up a tree and catch a turkey in the dark but I suppose ya might get closer that way......

Our trees are a bit taller here Barry...... :laf: :laf:

George Ackley


i would go after snakes before i would take on a tom turkey that wasn't shot

get yourself a plan ticket to PA and come down with me for some spring time turkey hunting next spring.its the next best thing to calling predators . and if you like i could help you out with your snake fears also

here is small oone we let go after photos

but they dont all get freed they are 12'' tile

and they are some fat snakes

if you come down I will get one for you , you can practice on it so if you ever wont to go out to catch one

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Well George we now know where I'm not going eh :puke:[Need a little running for the hills smiley to place here].  I'm intrigued with these turkeys and really think a person should be able to catch one.  Bob thought he'd catch a little one in MT but discovered rather quickly that young turkeys in the wild can fly  :biggrin:
I say what I think not think what I say.

George Ackley

I have never seen a rattle snake in PA were i turkey hunt, i just thought since i will be in Texas right before turkey season here i could bring one back for yea to play with  :biggrin: :biggrin:
how about i just send year a little small skin and you can make the story up for your frend on how it got skinned and how you ought it wile out trying to catch a live turkey but came across the snake and for the safety of everyone you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well likei said you can make up your own story       :biggrin: :biggrin:
          you come to PA anytime you like doring turkey season and will try and hand catch yea your turkey if we are not successful with the live catch will just call one in to the end of a 12 gage
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump