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Other Small Game / New sport!
Last post by nastygunz - Yesterday at 06:30:40 PM
Im promoting a new sport, "really small game hunting" ! I took this trophy hopper with a headshot from my Crosman .22 pellet pistol  :biggrin:
The Tailgate / Today in history 7-26
Last post by remrogers - Yesterday at 09:03:18 AM
July 26
U.S. postal system established

On July 26, 1775, the U.S. postal system is established by the Second Continental Congress, with Benjamin Franklin as its first postmaster general. Franklin (1706-1790) put in place the foundation for many aspects of today's mail system.

During early colonial times in the 1600s, few American colonists needed to send mail to each other; it was more likely that their correspondence was with letter writers in Britain. Mail deliveries from across the Atlantic were sporadic and could take many months to arrive. There were no post offices in the colonies, so mail was typically left at inns and taverns.

In 1753, Benjamin Franklin, who had been postmaster of Philadelphia, became one of two joint postmasters general for the colonies. He made numerous improvements to the mail system, including setting up new, more efficient colonial routes and cutting delivery time in half between Philadelphia and New York by having the weekly mail wagon travel both day and night via relay teams. Franklin also debuted the first rate chart, which standardized delivery costs based on distance and weight.

In 1774, the British fired Franklin from his postmaster job because of his revolutionary activities. However, the following year, he was appointed postmaster general of the United Colonies by the Continental Congress. Franklin held the job until late in 1776, when he was sent to France as a diplomat. He left a vastly improved mail system, with routes from Florida to Maine and regular service between the colonies and Britain. President George Washington appointed Samuel Osgood, a former Massachusetts congressman, as the first postmaster general of the American nation under the new U.S. constitution in 1789. At the time, there were approximately 75 post offices in the country.

Today, the United States has over 40,000 post offices and the postal service delivers more than 200 billion pieces of mail each year to over 144 million homes and businesses in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, the American Virgin Islands and American Samoa. The postal service is the nation's largest civilian employer, with roughly 500,000 career workers. The postal service is a not-for-profit, self-supporting agency that covers the majority of its expenses through postage (stamp use in the United States started in 1847) and related products. The postal service gets the mail delivered, rain or shine, using everything from planes to mules.
Quote from: nastygunz on July 25, 2024, 04:56:39 PMI call it the "Furandfins"

   Copyright infringement on that name. Call the lawyer you have on retainer and you could own Nasty's house and gun collection. It could be a good place for the FnF summer retreat.
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: My new fly I developed for...
Last post by nastygunz - July 25, 2024, 04:56:39 PM
I call it the "Furandfins"
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: My new fly I developed for...
Last post by pitw - July 25, 2024, 02:02:50 PM
Tat should work.
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / My new fly I developed for fis...
Last post by nastygunz - July 25, 2024, 01:23:47 PM
Realistic!.... :innocentwhistle:
The Tailgate / Today in history 7-25
Last post by remrogers - July 25, 2024, 10:34:34 AM
July 25
California Rangers kill Joaquín Murrieta

In a macabre instance of rough frontier justice, California Rangers inspired by a $6,000 award bring in the severed head—preserved in whiskey—of outlaw Joaquín Murrieta. Or at least that's what they claimed.

In the early months of 1853, a wild band of desperadoes began terrorizing Calaveras County in central California. Law officers believed a shadowy character named Joaquin Murrieta led the outlaws, although confusion abounded since there were at least four other desperadoes named "Joaquín" in the territory.

Whatever the identity of the leader, the California legislature resolved to stop the outlaws. In the spring of 1853, the government created a special force of California Rangers led by a Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff named Harry Love. The state also offered a $6,000 award to anyone who brought in Murrieta—dead or alive. For several weeks, Love and his team of 20 rangers scoured the Calaveras countryside without success. The rangers got a lucky break, however, when they captured Murrieta's brother-in-law and forced him to lead them to the outlaw's camp on Cantua Creek.

Early on the morning of this day in 1853, Love and his rangers attacked the outlaw camp. Caught by surprise and badly outnumbered, eight of the bandits were killed, including Murrieta and his right hand man, Tres Dedos (also known as Three Fingered Jack). To prove they had indeed killed Murrieta and deserved their award, the rangers cut off the head of the outlaw. They also took the distinctive hand that gave Three-Fingered Jack his nickname. The rangers preserved the gory body parts in whiskey-filled vats until they could exhibit them to the authorities in Stockton.

Later, some claimed that the severed head was not Murrieta's. Love, however, gathered 17 affidavits from people who had known the outlaw and were willing to swear it was Murrieta's head. The state agreed and gave the $6,000 award to Love and his rangers. Love further profited from the deal by taking Murrieta's head on a tour of California mining camps, charging $1 to see it. Eventually, the head ended up in San Francisco Museum, where it was destroyed in the great earthquake of 1906.
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Boo-Boo
Last post by nastygunz - July 24, 2024, 11:35:26 PM
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Boo-Boo
Last post by FinsnFur - July 24, 2024, 08:01:36 PM
It's a Cicada isnt it :sneer: