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My New Bonker Style

Started by THO Game Calls, April 30, 2007, 10:30:46 AM

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Bob....If you find out let me know. I though I had drank to much on the golf course when I read it the first time. :confused:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.

THO Game Calls

The heck with it -

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


damn i wish i would have went golfing this morning,only problem was i would have got a wet ass :laf: because it rained like hell for a little bit out here where i am at
But I want to find out why  those other people on PM come over here and stir shit when ALL of the EVIDENCE is right in front of them over there INSIDE of their own forum?
I havent been a member on PM for a long time,,since January of 2006 I am pretty sure,, BUT as long as i have been a member over there it has ALWAYS been the same old BULLSHIT,,certain Mods let certain people do any damn thing they want BUT when someone gave them a verbal thrashing they LOCKED the god damn thread,,hell they ought to just let the damn thing end on its own,,UNLESS they have something to hide and from what i have seen in the 1 and a half years i have been there they have A LOT TO HIDE!!!
Thank you
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


  Nobody knocked any new guys.....period. Just something Rick has imagined I guess.  :rolleye:
As for what he put on PM, it lasted from last night until this morning and then I posted for him to show where we were bashing PM without his help. Even posted a few of his quotes. About 10 minutes later it got deleted by the distinguished Mr. Redfrog.

That's all I know.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Hello Rick,

I don't want to comment on the commotion you stirred up. I just wanted to offer up a little advice on your mental health issue. From all the post I have read of yours on many forums you seem to be a little bit to EMO over these forums imo.

Pulling the plug on your computer for 2 or 3 months  or more would probably make you feel much better. Enjoy life. Get out and smell the fresh air. Don't let these forums  occupy every waking moment of your life. Have some fun buddy.

Good luck.



  As a newbie I have asked several questions on this board. Every answer I received was very helpful. The members of this board went out of their way to help me along.  Several have taken the time to send e mails amd pm's to answer. thanks for all that have answered my questions


Thats what they are for KKbait. But some places are different than others and it doesn't take long to see where the people are that WILL go out of there way to help someone.
I too want to thank all of you guys for the answers and help you give to everyone. Your a good group of guys. :yoyo:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


Hey Bob. You didn't miss anything other than a nice steady down pour on the back 9. We got wet where we shouldn't be wet. And yes to all those wondering we hit them short and left all day. :confused:  Cam turned out to be our A player today as on hole 14 we played his drive, second shot and third shot. And we were still 170 yards out for our par shot. :madd: And once on the green Lilman came through once again and dropped a twenty foot put for a big ole 6 on a par 4. Sad , so sad.... :rolleye:
But we had fun and that's all that matters. We ended up in 5th place out of 19 teams and raised over $4000 for the Relay For Life. So all was good.
As for your question on them coming over and stirring....I guess they get bored with the rules for rules and seeing the person that makes the rules break the rules. Today Ole happy crappy got on to me for some stuff I said and broke his law on the censor of words. Something about putting the petty BS where it belongs... But I just don't see it fitting where it belongs with all their peons nose's already there? :innocentwhistle:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


I have read this post. Let me start by saying I am new here and do not intend to ruffle any feathers. I have researched this thouroughly and have a solution to people that copy another persons designs, so....................


:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Hope everyone enjoyed this bit of humor, and if you are the offending call cloner(is that a word?) stop it!
Have a nice day.

By the way, in the short time since I have joined this site, every person I have had contact with has been nothing but helpful. As I said, I am new here and I do not pretend to know anything but what I have seen here regarding this topic. In my opinion (we all know what those are worth) if you want to make anything that resembles someone elses work, ask first. If they don't mind, go ahead and make it but DO NOT present it as your own. Again, just my opinion.
