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Sig Lines

Started by FinsnFur, July 22, 2006, 09:15:22 AM

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I think if we refrain from putting banners or other images into the sig lines it will keep us from having to sift through all those ads when were trying to read a post.

I know right now only one person is doing that, and he's been asked to remove it, but if everyone does it were going to have a colorfull mess here trying to read each others posts.

If you guys want to advertise your products or your pages I'd prefer you did it with your avatar, or a text link in your sig lines.
Sig line links can be tailored to any color, bold text, and scrolling marquees and will stand out real nice.
Avatars could have your logo any graphic with your outfits name or anything.

If anyone needs help creating or coding a sigline, I'd be happy to help out.
Thanks folks :wink:
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Jerry Hunsley

Not very sharp on computers. what is a sig line and avatar. I tried putting a picture in avatar and all  that came up was a outline of a square and a red X. If I have done somthing wrong with my banner it wasn't intentional.  :innocentwhistle: :confused:


Jerry, you had (http://) in there twice. I went in to fix it for you and evidently dumped the whole works. i didn't even look at the url of the picture before hand or I could retrieve it for you....sorry bout that. You'll have to re-enter it.

When you install your own avatar, which is the little image below your name, the only thing you have to enter in that part of your profile is the actual address (url) of the picture. Example; http://www.photobucket.com/mypic.jpg Don't use any image tags, don't click the image button. It's already defaulted by the system to load an image.

A sig line is short for signature line. A link or a phrase or whetever you enter there and will append to the bottom of all your posts automatically
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