
Hunting => The Annual LBL Hunt => Topic started by: slagmaker on February 09, 2010, 06:09:23 PM

Title: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: slagmaker on February 09, 2010, 06:09:23 PM
For months I had kicked around going to the LBL. Being unemployed kind of puts a damper on things. So I finally make the decesion to go and fully commit myself to the adventure that would become the LBL.

Thursday Morning I had everythign packed and ready to go. Got in the turck and as soon as I was far enough down the road to get a good cell signal I called my dad. Talked with him for a bit and got a weather report from him of the nasty weather that we were expecting. HMMMM Better call Darren and see what he thinks of the weather. talked with him and decided to get down there and keep a close weather eye and see where the storm heads.

Insert Long boring 3 hour drive.

Finally get to my cousins and we check the weather. Looks like the bad part is gona hit where we are now. Well we will be driving out of it so theres no worries. It is decided to check one more time in the morning and make final decesions then.

Woke up friday morning and checked the weather. Looks good as far as Ice and stuff but it is raining. Well we wont melt lets go. Make sure enverything is transfered out of my vehicle and into his and were on the road. Drove to the little town of Fort Branch and we decide to stop at a local gun shop just to check out what they got. Look around and killl a few minutes. Hes got a Browning Buck mark with a scope that I like and the price isnt bad. BUT alas no money. So with a tear in my eye we head out. A short drive down to a local truck stop to get gas and I am amazed at how the area had changed. I grew up in the area we were driving though and I havent been down that stretch of road for a long time. A nostalgic little trip down memory lane and its on for something to eat. OK McDamDonalds for breakfast, get gas and were off again.

We get through Evansville "stoplight city to some" and we cross the bridge into the commonwelth of Kentucky. A short drive down teh Pennyrile park way and we come to the thriving metropolis of Henderson. Darren and I do a little descussion about going to Whittaker guns but decided against it. I didnt have the directions on me and I couldnt bare the thought of leaving another firearm homeless. So we drove on.

Many miles passed and we were nearing our destination. We get to the junction of 68 an interstate 24 and decide that Lunch is in order. Stop and McDammDonnalds again and get a game plan. OK

were we goin? Wranglers cam ground
Where is it at? It is at the LBL
Where at the LBL? Dont know.

All this information is on my computer. My computer is in the Blazer.

What ya know this eating establsihment has high speed wireless internet. So we finish eating and hit the net. I down load a map and figure out the next step. So with renewed vigor and full tummys we head off into the rain once again. We know were looking for the turn to get onto the Trace and this turn is on the left so with confidance we start talking and are looking forward to crossing a bridge we havent seen sense we were kids. the crossing of the bridge is not as splendid as we were hoping due to... You guess it RAIN. Couldnt see a mile. But we still felt good about it. So off we go looking for our turn. We been driving for a bit and Darren mentions Hey we havnt taken a wrong turn yet. No more than he gets the word out of his mouth and we come to the second bridge. Hey wait a minute. Where is this turn off we are looking for? OK turn around and try again. We finally find the turn off hidden in some construction and with a sigh of relief we head for the trace.  NICE clearly marked sighns showing us the direction to the camp.

We drive in to the camp and I tell Darren, OK we are lookiing for Ed. He graciously offered the loan of some shotgun shells in BB shot. I know he's driving a Silver Jeep with a FNF sticker in the window. Hey what ya know. Theres a silver Jeep with a FNF sticker right there so with a slight nervousness we we pull up and get out. There are about 8 people standing there in camo and 2 in plane street clothes and I am OK wonder witch one is ED? Walk up and someone says you slagmaker?" and I am well yeah that would be me. Darren and I get introduced to everyone standing around the cabin there and Ed and I talk for a bit. We ask ok where can we get some groceries and permits and so on. We say our be backs and head off to get legal.

Find the first station we were told about and go in get some drinks and look around. Go to check out and ask bout the permits. the lady tells us we dont have 1 day permits only 5 day permmits and they are 30 bucks. WOW wait a minute  :holdon: cant afford that. We only need a one day pass. SO with a worry for our chances we head out to find another place to purchase our needed permits. We head on towards Cadiz. There has to be a shop around here that will be selling them. We drive for a bit and pass a Gun shop. Well where better to find the information you need concerning hunting than a gun shop. A quick change of direction and we find ourselves in the parking lot of Francis gun's. Everythings 20% off he's retiring. Least that is what the sighn in the window said. We step inside and we are greated with the familiar looks and smells of a gun shop and some local patrons. A friendly hello and how can I help you finds us looking around and getting directins to the nearest Licensed permit retailer.  As a side note He had a beautifulle Ruger New model Blackhawk in 45 long colt with a 454 casull cylinder conversion that was at a real nice price. Again had to leave it. Hate doing that. Every firearm deserves a home.

A short little drive finds us at the Hill Top. Nice little gas and grocery. Ben there for awhile. We step inside and are greated with hellos and some of the local citizens just hanging out. Darren asks about the permits and the elderly lady behind the counter says no I think we only sell 5 day. A local man says He thought they sold 5 and 3 day permits. A young feller behind what I would assume would be his grnadman say's "hey the machine says  1 day 3 day and 5 day". She turns and says yep we got those. So money is exchanged and we leave with some slips of paper that say were legal. Quick head into Cadiz and we get groceries in the truck and its back to the Land Between the Lakes/rivers.

Back to the LBL and we get our Gear stowed away at the cabin that Pat aka Coyote101 had so graciously said we could stay at.

Now things get fuzzy. I met so many people in such a short time and talked about so many diffrnect subjects that it would be impossible for me to keep any kind of time line or accuracy of subject going so please let me just say that the conversations in the rain/sleet/flurries/snow showers ran way into the night and that the cold and nasty weather was harldy a concern.

the next mornign rolls around and my alarm goes off on my phone. I wont go into details but my alarm going off wasnt well received and instead of truning it off, the snooze button was hit and when that fact was discovered it wernt so well recieved either. After a healthy breakfast of bacon, eggs and talking with Pat Barry and Casey we head out for some hunting action. In the Blazer I grab my FX5 to put the fresh batteries in and I find that the remote feels a little light. What the? Dustin!!  :madd: My remote 9V battery is at home in a meter that I needed the morning I left for Darrens. Oh well we have our mouth calls. Where are my mouth calls? :confused: they arnt around my kneck like there supposed to be. Darren would you mind turning around so we can get the calls. A quick trip back to camp and were off again. We need a map so a stop into the visitors center and three dollars less in Darrens pocket and we have a map of the LBL and we are off to make some stands.

I couldnt tell what number of stand we were on but we came to a power line cut and decided that we might walk it for a bit and make some stands. We park the truck, uncase and reload and we start walking. Up ahead about one and a half poles up we see a bunch of deer cutting across the clear cut and they are moving quick. Darren and I look at each other and think Hey somehting has them moving lets get a little closer and make a stand. We start walking and Darren starts hissing at me. I think I sure hope he aint sprung a leak. Carring his butt out of here wont be fun. I turn to see whats up and hes trying to tell me to stop moving. Up Where we saw the deer cross a coyote has stepped into the clearing. Darren takes a knee and I am like man thats a long way for that Howitzer hes carring but Darren knows his limitations with that rifle. Cross my fingers and trust in his abilities. The shot rings out and I see the coyote run across the clearing. Darrens stands up and has a look of Disbelife, amazement and a hint of I want to wrap somethign around a tree on his face. He had shot under the dog and it was a clean miss. Watching the area we saw all this going on and a couple deer come back across the clearing. Well the shot has most likley allerted every yote in the area so we move on. Some number of stands later and we find it time to head back to the camp. Tired and weary we pull into Wranglers. No fur but we had seen one and I belive we had one comming in on us at one stand but he never showed.

Back at camp we talk with everybody and admire the fur that has been brought in. Congratulations to all that brought in fur. If you want to know who brought in fur you need to read there tales of conquest and victory.

Standing around watching all the talking and goings on and Bopeye walks up and and stick my hand out and say Hey Bop nice to meet you. He enthuestactilly shakes my hand and say's OK who are you. I reach down to lift my jacket to show him the side of my lucky PJ's I wore as an extra layer under my bibs and he says SLAG!! Soo after some talking with Bop we head for the resturant for some refreshements and frienldy banter.

The talking that went on in the resturant was incredalbe. Subjects of all shapes and sizes were being discussed by people that had never seen each other face to face before in there lives but were carring on like a room full of old friends.

Finally its time for the Door prizes. COOL!! names are drawn and prizes are awarded. All the names were drawn and there were still prizes so start pulling names again. On the first drawing  I won a nicley turned distress call from anonymus. On the second drawing I recieve through shear luck the match for the first call. Darren also won a closed reed call but I will leave that for him to post if he wishes.. More prizes were awarded and the grand prizes were handed out. Special awards were given and laughter was heard for long periods of time. A great time was had by all I think even the employes of the resturant were having a good time. Congratulations to the winners wich I think was everyone.

it comes time and the resturant wants to close so the festivities disperss to the front porch and to the diffrent cabins. Pat had brought a Prok roast and I had brought my cast iron bean pot so we built a fire and put it on to simmer. Grabbing my pouch of knives I head off to find the person that had said they wanted to see the knives that I had made and handled. I couldnt remember who had asked me about them I knew I had one specific person that wanted to see them and I wanted to make sure that I found that person. I showed a few people in hopes of rememberering who I had told in chat that I would bring them so they could see them. Talked ot a bunch of people and hugn out at the fire at the 3 cabins and had a generally great time. Neve did meet up with the one that wanted to see my knives.  On the way home I rmembered it was weedwalker. Sorry buddy. I will make sure next time.

I was getting cold and tired and the conversations were boiling down into there main little groups and I wanted to get some diffrent shoes on and clean up some. So I headed back to my sleeping spot. I checked on the roast and it was almost perfect just had to build the fire and bring it to a higher boil and it should be ready in about a half hour. Pat came up and we talked and had a good time poking sticks at the fire and such.  Right at the time the roast was ready Darren came walking up the hill. Hey when we first got to the LBL he said you could call him anything but late for supper. He was doing a good job of holding up his end of the deal. We just got sat down when Casey came in so we all had a late night snack of pork roast and potatoes. MMMMM---MMMMM---MMMMMMM GOOD eating right there.

Talked with my bunk mates up into the night and we finally started crashing off. Barry comes in sometime after one in the morning. He had a smile on his face that can only be on the face of a man that is trully havein a good itme. You can not get that type simle out of a pharmacutical product I can guarentee you that. You only get that from interaction with people you share a common intrest with. That or he got into the chat room and got a little from Becky.

Sunday Morning comes and we all get packed. Hands are shanken. Good byes are said. Then wouldnt you know it. Somone brings up something and we spend an hour discussin it. While we were haveing an extended good bye session someone notices a coyote up on the hill. Cameras came a flying out. Mine as well but all I could get a picture of was wehre a coytoe had been standing. He turned and trotted off. That is one lucky coyote. If a rifle had been handy I think there would have been like 8 witnesses that would have sworn they heard a shot but had no idea where it had come from. No officer noone here had a rifle out they were all packed away. If any one got a pic of it I would love to see it.

Darren and I finally break away and head home. We stop for some Brunch and gas and meet up with other LBL attendees who are doing the same thing. We hit the highway and Darren spots a farm implement dealer. We take a quick trip around the lot and check out the newest items in the lot and hit the highway again. About half way home the heater core on the blazer pluggs up and we got no heat in the cab. bundle up and suffer through is all we can do. We get home and unpack and I spend a few getting Darren on the site and I head on back up to see my dad and the LBL adventure comes to a sudden and sad ending.

I meet a lot of people in a short time. I didnt meet anyone there I didnt like. I learned a little about a lot of diffrent things. I saw more fire wood than I care to look at. Made a bunch of friends. Had a time of my life.

I want to thank Barry, Pat, Darren and Weedwalker. With out you guys I wouldnt have been able to go.

I took pics but I will post them in another thread when I get in town.

Hope you enjoyed this little slag style trip to the LBL.
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: KySongDog on February 09, 2010, 06:22:46 PM
That was a heck of a write-up!   Glad to meet you and Darren.   And already looking forward to seeing you next year.   :yoyo:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: coyote101 on February 09, 2010, 06:31:42 PM
Great write up Bear. It was a pleasure meeting you and Darren and I sure hope you guys can make it next year. And don't forget ot bring the "scratch " knife with you.

Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: HaMeR on February 09, 2010, 06:34:15 PM
QuoteInsert Long boring 3 hour drive.
:laf: :laf:

Nice writeup Slag!! I was there with you the whole time.  :yoyo:  I just didn't like the part about Bop recognizing your gutchies.  :nono: :nono:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: iahntr on February 09, 2010, 07:42:18 PM
Very nice Slag !!
Thanks !
Glad it worked out for ya !
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: Frogman on February 09, 2010, 08:08:04 PM
Great write up!  Thanks!

Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: WldWldWest on February 09, 2010, 09:46:03 PM
That's good stuff right there!

Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: FinsnFur on February 09, 2010, 09:49:23 PM
Wow...I'm about half way through that. I'm gonna go grab a sandwich and make a pitstop to the rest room and I'll come back and finish er up. :wink:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: FinsnFur on February 09, 2010, 09:58:31 PM

Grabbin a glass of right back.
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: FinsnFur on February 09, 2010, 10:03:31 PM
Ok, where was we?

Oh yeah...Slag I'm glad things came together for ya and you was able to make it down.
I didn't get the good fortune of meeting you this time, but by the looks of things, I missed out on a lot of things.

The road trip there is half the fun and it sounds like you got in on almost every aspect of that. :congrats:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: Hawks Feather on February 09, 2010, 10:07:07 PM
Quote from: FinsnFur on February 09, 2010, 09:49:23 PM
Wow...I'm about half way through that. I'm gonna go grab a sandwich and make a pitstop to the rest room and I'll come back and finish er up. :wink:


We forgot to tell you that Jim reads REALLY slow.

Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: Palegroe on February 09, 2010, 10:10:16 PM
Great story Slag your a riot online and in Person Hope to see you next year.
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: pitw on February 09, 2010, 10:18:45 PM
Wonderful story Slag :yoyo: :yoyo:.  I pee'd a bit at Darrin leaking :roflmao: :roflmao:.  Was great to meet and share bread with you :yoyo:.
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: slagmaker on February 10, 2010, 09:15:39 AM
Thanks for the kind words.

While in front of a cabin Rich stopped talking to someone for a few and just looked at me and said that he was glad I made it and He really enjoyed reading my posts. That made me feel good.

I enjoyed my time at the LBL and I am looking forward to meeting everyone again next year.
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: golfertrout on February 10, 2010, 10:02:23 AM
good write Slag and good to meet you. see you next year :yoyo:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: weedwalker on February 10, 2010, 01:18:43 PM
Great write up Bear. :yoyo: I was glad to finally get to meet you. I'll be looking for ya next year too. And if you need some more BBs just let me know. :wink:

Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: pitw on February 10, 2010, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: slagmaker on February 10, 2010, 09:15:39 AM

While in front of a cabin Rich stopped talking to someone

Man did I miss that part. :biggrin: :biggrin:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: slagmaker on February 10, 2010, 07:43:49 PM
Quote from: pitw on February 10, 2010, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: slagmaker on February 10, 2010, 09:15:39 AM

While in front of a cabin Rich stopped talking to someone

Man did I miss that part. :biggrin: :biggrin:

I know I was stunned. If I hadnt seen it with my own eyes I wouldnt have belived it.
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: alscalls on February 10, 2010, 09:44:15 PM
When he stopped talking?.......Did his head cave in or anything?......Cause I aint never seen him stop talking.... :nono:
Title: Re: 2010 LBL recap "Slag style"
Post by: HaMeR on February 10, 2010, 10:23:07 PM
Easy on Richard now fellas. Even he gets thirsty & needs to crack that water bottle from time to time.  :laf: :laf: