due to the graphic demise of said groundhog no pictures were taken except of the weapons used big bertha my savage 110 e 30-06 shooting a 125 grain softpoint and a smith and wesson 40 S&w .
and now the details.....
It was a nice warm saturday afternoon Logan and Mommy and I had finished doing some work around the house and decided it was time to go for a ride up to paps and get some sasafrass to make tea pap had told me about a groundhog in one of the fields so I decided to take big bertha and my smith 40 since I had to try the smith out and well berthas always my gun of choice. so we loaded up in the dodge and headed out. as we got near the field we saw not 1 but 4 groundhogs out where pap had said to look for them and one other running his butt off up the road to dive over the bank. I pulled up out of the way and grabbed my 30-06 loaded her up and slipped out the 4 were still in the field but they made a mad dive for the whole before i could get an open shot. I gently rested my rifle on the fence post and sighted in on the hole when up pops a head to easy I thought to myself and flipped the saftey as I started to draw tension on the trigger just as big bertha roared out the little sucker ducked and the dirt flew. Darn missed well not one to give up without trying a few tricks I quickly switched positions and whistled a few times and then suddenly up from a different hole and looking the wrong way was the big ole Ground grizz and quickly I drew down and let bertha do her thing and believe me it wasnt pretty blown plumb in half the grizz was. I walked back to the truck and placed the now unloaded rifle in the truck and Logan wanted to go see the groundhog but I said hold on bud. I then grabbed my smith and slapped the clip in and racked the slide unbeknownst to me the clip hadnt seated completely and no round had gone down the pipe. So I make my way up the road to where the other grizz made his dive over the bank pistol at the ready when here he comes charging up the hill to the hole not 10 feet below me dead in my sights he stopped (see earlier note about clip and nothing in the pipe) I quickly got a sight fix on him and squeezed the trigger and yep you guessed it CLICK ARRRGHHHHHH and in the hole he went but anyway we did get one and got some fresh sassafrass to boot so it was a good day next time though on a note to self unless you want your ground grizz blown to bits dont use a 30-06 with a 125 grain soft point.
I do think that you were under-gunned. Do you have a LARGER caliber that you could take out for them the next time? I am thinking something above to the .400 range - like .458. You never know when one of those critters will be not be given a killing blow and turn and charge. You, your son, and wife could have been crippled or eaten.
Sounded like a great time to me Charles and the choice of weapon was a wise one in my eyes as you never notice the kick so much when you are shooting at a target that breathes. For the fun[also good practice] of it up here we will take the big[.243,25-06 and .54] guns out and turn a bunch of gophers into 7" squares of hide for the entertainment value.
I have to agree with Hawks Feather. A wounded boar pasture grizzly on the charge is a dangerous thang. Glad you came away unscathed.
That's what I love about g'hogs .... you can use whatever you want. :eyebrow:
Cool story, thanks for sharing! :biggrin: