Looking for a CZ 550 American or FS 7x57mm Mauser. Only interested in the ones with the Euro-twist rate (1-8:66) as I intend to predominately shoot 175gr. bullets.
If you have one you're interested in selling, or know where I can locate one, please shoot me a PM.
Expanding the search.....
Would consider a Winchester M70 Fwt or Ruger M77 (1-8.75 or 9 twist??) in 7x57
Stingy Bastages! :pout:
Since no one came forward with a CZ 550, I picked up Mike's M70 Fwt. Thanks Mike!
Quote from: FOsteology on August 11, 2010, 09:27:35 PM
Stingy Bastages! :pout:
Personally I only have 4 CZ 550's left. So I'm kinda hanging on to those. :laf: