Now he's not interested in archery hunting anymore, just chasing those tree rats. And unfortunately for me, the butcher, he's getting pretty good at it.
Action: Day one he shot 4; reaction: House bill#1 was passed restricting the number to 2.
Day 2 had him up late trying to get homework done; House bill #2 requires all homework done before bearing arms.
HB #3 - The dog can ONLY be brought out to recover downed squirrel in sticker bushes (dog has a hard mouth and a natural hatrid for bushytails).
He's up to six so far, and I don't see the magic wearing off anytime soon. Vegas has the over/under at 32, providing no more legislation. Also, he loves eating them after breading and frying (my daughter wants nothing to do with em, even though she has unknowingly eaten it before, and loved it before she found out what it was she was eating - she now knows to ask first whenever dad does the cooking).
Here are a few pics
This guy was dead before he knew it.
The hero shot
Rules are good :bowingsmilie:. Good pics and I find it funny how in different places we eat different things. Never ate or wanted to eat a squirrel but that doesn't make them uneatable. Enjoy the season :yoyo:.
Good for him! :biggrin:
I'm enjoying squirrel hunting this year more than I ever had.
Quote from: pitw on October 14, 2010, 09:36:01 AM
Never ate or wanted to eat a squirrel but that doesn't make them uneatable.
I never had a desire to eat em either. :puke: It's more out of trying to teach the kid respect. And they're actually dam good, as long as you dice the pieces up real small and roll em with good tasting stuff before frying. :corn:
Dante, your buddy Mr. Paul is pushing legislation through to rescind House Bill #1 and endorse the PA state law of six per day! :eyebrow: No need to thank me. A young hunter needs to hone his skills. As does his Dad and his squirrel processing skills. I'm sure the fellas here would all agree. :innocentwhistle: As for House Bill #2, I fully support that one, and totally agree with your father.
As for the dog? - That's more a reflection of it's training, and it's adult trainer... Dog must be short on groceries too! :laf:
PS. Next time I'm down that way, I'll give you a few pointers (your dad's been holding back information) on how to increase your success rate on those bushy tails. :laf:
:laf: @ HuntnCarve
Very nice. :yoyo:
Squirrel hunting with the boy is still an American Heritage. :congrats:
Squirrel hunting was what got me hooked many,many years ago. Still love it. Congrats on taking him. You won't regret it. Well, long term anyway! Tried a new squirrel dish the other night. Don't know what made me think of it, but it was goooood! Boil it slow an take the meat off the bones, cut it up into small pieces and toss it in fried rice. Almost everyone has laughed at me about my squirrel fried rice, :shrug: but that's ok. I'm used to it! :laf:
here is a little help on skinning squirrels