
Hunting => Other Small Game => Topic started by: HuntnCarve on April 07, 2011, 03:42:33 PM

Title: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: HuntnCarve on April 07, 2011, 03:42:33 PM



I’ve been keeping my eye out for this hog.  A mean Ol’ Boar!  The wife and I watched him a few weeks back in a brawl with another wandering male.  Hair was flying along with nasty verbiage that I took to be groundhog cussing, as they battled it out a hundred yards away up in the woods!  The other hog eventually retreated up a Ash tree, with this hog climbing up right on after him.  The wife did not know they climbed trees.  So she got to witness the spectacle.   Wife said; “Oh great!  Now I have to be looking up in the trees!”  I assured her, she would not be ambushed while she was outside working in her garden.  Not quite sure she believed me? 
Anyway, back to the hog.  He had set up shop across the field in a log pile.  Briars and small saplings prevented me from taking him out den side.  I had to wait until he ventured out into the corn field.  On two occasions I observed him out in the open field.  But due to the extreme range (too far for my .22 with CB’s), and the presense of my nosey neighbors outside.  I had to abstain from using my Marlin heavy barreled .17Mach 2.  This precision hog harvester is extremely accurate, even more so than my Ruger .17HMR which would previously get the nod in a situation like this.  The fly in the ointment is its loud “crack” of a report.  In a semi residential area, I prefer not to draw attention to my hogging activities, and try and fly under the radar so to speak.  So the situation needed to be precisely monitored before breaking out the Mach 2.
Today all the planets aligned!  Mr. hog decided to brazenly stuff his face out in the corn field.  Opening the gun safe I extracted the M2 and eased the deck door open.  Not a soul around, but me and the hog.  He must have known trouble was about?  For he kept in constant motion during his buffet, grabbing mouthfuls of greenery, then circling back and forth like he missed dessert or something?   To make matters worse, his motion would take him behind small twigs and branches of the tree tops down below in which I would have to shoot through.  So I had to patiently wait for a shot opportunity to present itself as I rested the rifle on the deck rail.  Finally, he ambled into a small opening amongst the branches.  I was not worried about threading the needle with this firearm.  As he quartered slightly towards me, I softly whistled.  He paused to look my way.  Seizing the moment, I placed the crosshairs right on the center of his neck and squeezed off.  “Whap!”   Sixty yards out, he dropped like he was hit with a lightning bolt!  DRT!
Not a Honey Hole critter.  But I’ll count him just the same.  Once again, “persistence and perseverance”  pay off.  Happy hunting!

Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: Dave on April 07, 2011, 03:50:36 PM
Nice shootin!  That looks like a lot further than 60 yds.  Must be using a wide angle lense.   :congrats:
Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: FinsnFur on April 07, 2011, 04:26:50 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhh you dirty dog :yoyo:
Yeah, I'm going with it being more then 60 yds too.  :wo:
Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: Hawks Feather on April 07, 2011, 04:40:56 PM
Great story, but I think you should have waited until he moved the family into one of the honey holes.    :biggrin:

Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: HuntnCarve on April 07, 2011, 05:08:36 PM
I laser ranged it at exactly 59 yards!! :laf:  I knew my chuck lands like the back of my hand. :eyebrow:
Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: HaMeR on April 07, 2011, 08:16:40 PM
 :yoyo: :yoyo:  I really like the mighty M2 as well.  :biggrin:  That is one little laser out to 75yds & it can hit like it's big brother.  :biggrin: Great shot & write up!!

Several decades ago Dad would always get ready for deer seaon on October hogs. He would get the ol smoke pole out & dust it off. then take us groundhoggin so he would be ready for deer season with it. I have no clue at the yardage as I was just a kid but I remember watching a groundhog climb a fence post with him. Once on top it sat straight up. Dad planted a 45cal roundball in it's chest & I still remember that  hog flipping off the top of that post!!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: Carolina Coyote on April 07, 2011, 08:56:18 PM
Dave, You sure do have the ability to tell a story, love it keep them coming.  :yoyo:  :yoyo: cc
Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: Frogman on April 08, 2011, 07:58:08 PM
Thanks for ths story and pics.  I used to hav several groundhogs here behind my house.  They have been scarce for tha past few years.  I think the coyotes got them??

Title: Re: "Threading the Needle"...
Post by: Ol joe on April 15, 2011, 01:26:38 PM
great story! enjoyed the read!