
Hunting => Other Small Game => Topic started by: HuntnCarve on May 03, 2011, 10:00:20 AM

Title: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: HuntnCarve on May 03, 2011, 10:00:20 AM
                                                 Bluebird Morning


   Every spring for the past couple of years a pair of Eastern Bluebirds set up shop in the nesting box I put out for them just above the Honey Holes.  We enjoy seeing them show up towards the end of winter, and herald their return as a sign that winter is officially over. 
   Well this morning found me watching the colorful duo as they took turns flying up to the suet feeder for their morning fare.  Admiring the bright blue plumage of the male, I almost missed a nomadic russet hog making a beeline for Honey Hole 1!  Good fortune smiled on me, as I had the trusty .22 Mossberg immediately to my side as I looked out the bedroom window.  The hog acted like he had a business meeting that he was late for?  And wasted no time covering the yardage to what I expected to be the conference center at HH1?  Nope!  About the time I picked him up in the scope, he was pounding the pavement on his way in the direction of HH2!  Playing a hunch, I kept my gaze on the area rock ledge just above, and off to the left of HH2, figuring the hog would be captivated by the scenic overlook on his course of travel.
Suddenly he appeared!  As he clambered up the grade, I picked him up in the 9x scope.  I gave a soft whistle which brought him to a halt broadside.  I wasted no time in planting the crosshairs on his ear, and firing off a Winchester CB short. A muffled “plop” greeted my ears!  The furry porcine lilted hard to his left, then rolled down the bank.  As I reloaded, I kept my eye on the spot where he rolled in the tall weeds.  I observed the weeds twitching a time or two, then it was still.
   After a brief stop at the gun safe, I grabbed up my H&R 999 .22 pistol and proceeded out the door to ascertain the success of my mission.  The pistol just ended up going along for the ride, as the Ol’ Mossberg had done her duty with honor.  So here you have it.  Hog number 3 has met his fate, just as another vermin had in a far away land.  God Bless America!  And God Bless the Bluebirds! Until next time…




Best Wishes, from the Land of the Honey Holes,

Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: slagmaker on May 03, 2011, 10:07:42 AM
Nicely done!!
Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: Hawks Feather on May 03, 2011, 06:33:26 PM
I swear you are baiting them.

Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: FinsnFur on May 03, 2011, 06:46:10 PM
Quote from: HuntnCarve on May 03, 2011, 10:00:20 AM
  Playing a hunch, I kept my gaze on the area rock ledge just above, and off to the left of HH2, figuring the hog would be captivated by the scenic overlook on his course of travel.

:laugh2: ROFLMAO!

That one just about cost me a mouth full of Jacks Pizza :laf:
Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: HaMeR on May 03, 2011, 07:56:26 PM
 :alscalls: @ the entire scenario!! I love it!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:
Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: Frogman on May 03, 2011, 09:54:01 PM
It's good to see the vermin getting their due!!

Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: Tikaani on May 03, 2011, 10:49:22 PM
 A fine writing style once again Dave, I don't know, a mix of Peter Hathaway Capstick and Patrick F. McManus  :eyebrownod:

Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: HuntnCarve on May 04, 2011, 04:25:29 AM
Thanks guys!  It's funny cause yesterday afternoon I was on the phone with "Dave" from here.  All of a sudden the wife starts yelling, "There's a groundhog outside".  Well phone in hand, not missing a beat, I run to the window.  I locate the hog, as he's making his way into range.  Meanwhile, the wife is still hollering from the other room, unbenownst to her, I have the hog in my sights.  Well, the hog hears her caterwalling, and bolts over to the neighbors shed.  Crap!  Of course Dave is whispering technical advice into my ear the whole time.  "Take the shot!...Take the shot!!"  But what about the shed?  "Take the shot"!  "I can't Dave, it's too risky?  The bullet might go through and hit the neighbors lawn mower?"  In his best "devil on the shoulder" he keeps up his chant.. The notion runs through my head.  Does this have anything to do with the time Dave had a hog standing in front of his boat, while in reverse order, I was the one on the phone with him?"  "Trust me Dave, that bullet won't go through a hog and a boat."  Well, back to my situation.  The hog decided there was too much ruckus going on, with the crazy women yelling, and such..So he skeddadled across the field and out of sight.  Whew!  Another minute or so and Dave's cajoling would of had me contemplating pulling the trigger, neighbor's shed be damned!  -Not really, but I don't want Dave to think any less of me.  :laf:  That hog will be back eventually, and you all will be reading about it. :eyebrow: 


Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: Hawks Feather on May 04, 2011, 08:21:31 AM
Quote from: HuntnCarve on May 04, 2011, 04:25:29 AM
That hog will be back eventually

And we will all be yelling, "Choot im, Choot im, Choot im HuntnCarve."     :yoyo:

Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: Todd Rahm on May 05, 2011, 09:30:57 PM
Lol, as I read it I pictured the lil feller with a tie and briefcase scurrying along the way.   :biggrin:

Nice story Dave and shoot its so green there already.  :congrats:
Title: Re: Bluebird Morning...A Honey Hole tale...
Post by: FOsteology on May 09, 2011, 12:28:18 PM
Dang, I've been missing some good threads of late! Nice read.  :biggrin: