I just happened to step out onto the deck this afternoon, when I looked down and saw this fellow digging in the flower beds! So in the interest of maintaining maritial harmony (saving the wife's flowers), I dispatched this varmint with a CB. A young male, formerly out in the world on his own. Guess he figured he was going to start Honey Hole Number 3? Foiled his plans. This makes No. 6 for the year.
:yoyo: Revolvered!! :yoyo:
I used to think you were lucky, now I am starting to think you live in varmint infested land. Keep working on them.
Silver back... "The other white meat" eh? Has a nice ring to it doesn't it Dave? :laf: Always enjoy your write ups!
Quote from: Hawks Feather on June 04, 2011, 05:44:56 PM
I used to think you were lucky, now I am starting to think you live in varmint infested land. Keep working on them.
Kinda starting to think the same thing, but it makes for great reading. Keep 'em coming Dave!
Quote from: HaMeR on June 04, 2011, 03:32:31 PM
:yoyo: Revolvered!! :yoyo:
:alscalls: @ HaMeR
I'm going to have to use that sometime.
Nice one Dave, you revolvered that that one :congrats:
Thanks Glen :laf:
Glad I could help Jimbob!! :laf: :laf:
And another one bites the dust!
When you have time Dave, give us an update on your new job!
Oh Sheet, You better step it up Glenn. Dave's getting out the hand canons, to make it more sporting. :innocentwhistle: :biggrin: :alscalls:
Quote from: Todd Rahm on June 05, 2011, 12:15:47 PM
Oh Sheet, You better step it up Glenn. Dave's getting out the hand canons, to make it more sporting. :innocentwhistle: :biggrin: :alscalls:
No doubt Todd!! I've been trying to one up the man with the 5MM the last 2 days but we've yet to see any that want to play. :laf: :laf:
LOL! You know, yesterday afternoon I spotted a big hog peeking out from under the neighbors shed. He darted out of sight before I could get the firearm. I'll be willing to bet he'll head on over to the Honey Holes when the mood strikes him? I'll be waiting!
FOs, I got back from NC this weekend and my first official week on the job. They set me up with a fancy lap top and a Blackberry. I'm supposed to hear from the car dealership about picking up a 2011 Ford Taraus. The next trip will be out to Wisconsin.
The next trip will be out to WisWHAAAAAAAAT? :yoyo: :wink:
Get a live trap set up Dave!! Take one of those PA bred hogs along in the trunk & get a video of Jim shooting at it for us!! :biggrin:
Dang Dave.... company laptop, Blackberry, and now your own company ride. You've moving on up! :biggrin:
Shooting AT IT? HaMeR?
Quote from: FinsnFur on June 06, 2011, 05:53:11 AM
Shooting AT IT? HaMeR?
:doh2: My eraser didn't work again!! :nono: :nono:
Well that AND I didn't realize the box it was coming in would be soooo big. :innocentwhistle:
:laf: :laf:
Your goooood :innocentwhistle: :eyebrow:
:laf: :laf:
On it's way...
You yanks better breakout the big guns. We have pretty healthy whistle pigs down here in the south,
that's not a cardboard box that ones in....
it's a semi-trailer!
:hahaha: I've heard tell of the Wisconsonite that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. I'm wondering if he had the same results with the broadside of a semi trailer. :laf: :laf:
Choot it Chim!! Choot the whissle pig!! :alscalls: :alscalls:
You best get that trailer moving or he will out grow it. It has been three weeks since that picture was taken and I am sure it has grown since then.