Which is your favorite?
Option 1:

votes: 22
Option 2:

votes: 3
Here you go folks!! 10 days to decide the best picture!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Uuhhh yeah they are a bit large. :laf: :laf: just want to make sure the older crowd can see em too I guess!! :alscalls: :alscalls:
C'mon people...get your votes in. What is everyone missing this thread? :doh2:
Got my vote in :eyebrownod:
i voted !!!!
2 days left there is still time to vote.
Only a few hours left :sad3:
Quote from: FinsnFur on February 19, 2012, 06:39:36 AM
Only a few hours left :sad3:
Yep!! Midnight Eastern time folks!! Don't be left wishing you didn't vote. Regrets create sadness!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Quote from: HaMeR on February 19, 2012, 08:47:08 AM
Yep!! Midnight Eastern time folks!!
:confused: :confused:
It says you set it to close at 11:07 this morning, and it did. :laf:
Well anyway CONGRATS to both of these fine young men and their harvests. I'd like to thank you both for being a part of it :yoyo:
Looks like Spike wins the votes and walks with the loot. Congratulations young man :congrats: :congrats:
I want to say thanks again quick to all the members that helped with these contests by putting money into the FnF Members Funds (http://forum.finsandfur.net/index.php?topic=3026.0) either with donations, auctions, sales etc. You guys make these possible.
And Spikes walking out with $100 bucks of it! :highclap:
Congratulations Dante! :highclap:
Congratulations :thumb2:
OMG I just saw that I won the contest!!!!!! :yahoo: I cant beleive that I won!!!!!!! Thanks for all who voted for me!!!!!! :congrats: Thank you so much for everyone who donated the money for me to win the money!!!!!! ( the loot) Thanks again for all who contributed to fins and fur for me to be able to win !!!!Igive a round of applause to all of the contestants for entering. :congrats:
Way to go Dante! That was a fine buck and a fine memory to boot. :congrats:
I'm particularly proud that you are a gracious winner. Having the pleasure of hunting with you, and watching you grow up. I know the "thank you's" you bestowed on all of us here are heart felt and sincere. The word "Sportsman" truly comes to mind.
So congratulations go out to both you and Bisquit on a fine season! Hope the coming years are good to you all. Good hunting!
Congratulations Dante & Biscuit!! Both are fine deer!! :yoyo: :yoyo:
Hi all, just got my 100 bucks in the mail. I'm not sure what I'm giong to get yet, but just wanted to say thanks again.
Quote from: Spike on March 08, 2012, 06:55:34 AM
Hi all, just got my 100 bucks in the mail. I'm not sure what I'm giong to get yet, but just wanted to say thanks again.
Hum. Arrows, hunting supplies, calling supplies, candy, snacks, ammo, and many more things. :big grin:
Congratulations again on the nice deer.
Enjoy it Dante :yoyo:
And make sure you count it. Your Dad just donated $50 bucks to the Members Bank (http://forum.finsandfur.net/index.php?topic=3026.msg33128#msg33128) :innocentwhistle:
Way to go Dante!!!! Great job with the bow kill and awesome photo :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap:
Both were great entries and commendable table fare, but a kid with a bow and a genuine smile like that....................well it just gets to ya. :highclap: