
Hunting => Other Small Game => Topic started by: HuntnCarve on March 17, 2012, 09:15:43 AM

Title: "Hogs in the Mist"...
Post by: HuntnCarve on March 17, 2012, 09:15:43 AM



   â€œDawn broke on the Serengeti”…Er, sorry wrong continent.  “A early morning fog greeted Southeastern Pennsylvania", as I grabbed my coffee mug, rifle, and binos and headed out on the deck.  I had a sneaky feeling the big boar hog I’d seen was an early morning riser?
Visibility was marginal at best, as I scanned the oat field with the 10x binos.  The fog clamped down hard in the lowlands trying to thwart the morning sun.  It was during a shift in the vapor that I glimpsed a blonde ball about 65 yards out amidst the sprouting oats.  I guess this hog was an earlier riser.
   Exchanging the binos for the rifle, I jacked a .17 Mach2 into the chamber and tried acquiring the hog in the scope.  Where the heck was he?  Seems the fog temporarily disoriented me, as I found myself scanning ground much closer.  Finally, I found him!  Problem was he had his rump facing my direction.  Precious seconds ticked by as he gorged himself without moving.  A squadron of crows winging over in a low altitude formation, gave me a start when they cut loose right above me!  Bastids!  Temporarily distracted, I turned my attention back to the hog, worried that he might have taken sanctuary?  Naw, he was still there in a breach position.  Then it happened!  A subtle shift of his porcine body, followed by a sideward glance.  I locked the crosshairs right behind his ear and touched off the round.  The normally loud crack of the mini rimfire was effectively suppressed by the fog.  No neighbors would be disturbed.  Unfortunately, said shooters wife was roused from a sound sleep, as evidenced by a muffled curse emanating from the bedroom?  Opps! 
In the meantime, the hog buckled and lilted to his side.  His morning oatmeal put on permanent hold.  It was then I settled back to enjoy my mug of coffee.  Blah!  It was ice cold!  Nothing the microwave can’t fix.  Turning to head back inside a loud “click” stopped me in my tracks!  Wifey had locked the door!  She stood there holding a steaming cup of fresh coffee, looking right through me.  Ha, Ha, She’s such a kidder!  “I see you found the coffee I made Honey.  It sure looks good!  Mine’s gotten cold while I was out here shooting a pesky groundhog. He probably would have eventually gotten into your garden?  No need to thank me.” 
She eventually let me back in after a few minutes of penance.  Meantime, the fog lifted, and the sun cast a beautiful glow over the Serengeti…Er, Sorry! Wrong continent again.  Until next time my friends!  I hope the back pastures are good to you.

Title: Re: "Hogs in the Mist"...
Post by: HaMeR on March 17, 2012, 01:58:36 PM
Diane was certainly impressed with this one Dave!! I'd say you done good!!    :biggrin: :biggrin:
Title: Re: "Hogs in the Mist"...
Post by: Hawks Feather on March 17, 2012, 04:40:59 PM
Mr. Hemingway,

Nice story, but the pictures are quite foggy.   :innocentwhistle:  I would say that you are having a very lucky St. Patty's Day since you got the groundhog and (after waking your wife with a rifle shot) you were allowed back inside the house.

Title: Re: "Hogs in the Mist"...
Post by: FOsteology on March 18, 2012, 01:32:00 PM
Another fantastic installment by our very own Bwana Dave "Hathaway Capstick"  errrr, I mean HuntnCarve.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: "Hogs in the Mist"...
Post by: Dave on March 24, 2012, 06:43:07 AM
Just be sure to lock that gun safe up before heading out on the back deck before 8 am because that could be justifiable, and a better line of defense than "If it doesn't fit, you must aquit!"