Well it has been a little slow around these parts in the way of pasture pigs. But my expectations are always high. Just so happened as I was stepping out onto the deck this afternoon I noticed a russet brown blob on the neighbor down belows freshly mowed lawn? “Hmm? That wasn’t there earlier?†About then I realized it was a hog! He had me pegged up there on the deck about 70 yards away. Of course I could not shoot him where he stood. But I figured he’d eventually amble over to my property in due course.
By the time I got the rifle and binos, he’d moseyed back on over to the neighbors shed. Here he decided he was going to try and bore under the wire mesh fence the neighbor had recently installed to thwart such hog breaking and enterings. Took him about a minute of digging, pushing, squeezing and hog determination before he finally breached the barrier. The whole while I was watching his antics through the binos. The one thing I did notice was that his left side was patchy with the look of mange? This one needed to come out of the gene pool.
Back to the story. After disappearing under the shed I figured he would be topside shortly. Meantime, I went back inside and perused the computer catching up on the FnF news. After a short spell I took a look out the back door. Yep, there he was peeking out from under the shed corner. I chuckled as he forced his way back out. A tight squeeze from the looks of things. Looking left than right he assumed the coast was clear and made a beeline for my next door neighbors shed alongside my property. It’s show time!
Mentally steering the hog I watched as he trekked up the hill and disappeared in the brush right below the shed a mere 20 yards away. I snatched up the .22 and waited his arrival. Well, after 5 minutes he still hadn’t showed? Long about the time I lowered the rifle he hopped up on the railroad tie wall. By the time I got him in the scope he was hightailing it for the hole under the corner of the shed. “Son of a biscuit!†â€"I didn’t really say “biscuit.â€
Now it was a waiting game. But the odds were in my favor. Took him about a half hour before he came back out. I just happened to look out the family room door when I saw him browsing away on the dandelions between the properties. Easing out onto the deck, using the gas grill as cover, I made my way to the railing. He was so engrossed in chowing down, he never noticed me. The crosshairs found a familiar spot on his ear, and the little .22 slug did the rest. He collapsed on the spot, tail erect in a final twirling wave. I was right and he did have the mange, his side all crusted over, downright nasty looking!
So No. 3 is in the books. Until next time. Good hunting!
Son of a biscuit, number three already! :congrats:
Nice work Dave
"Mentally steering the hog "....good stuff :yoyo:
I figured you were going to say that he headed under the shed and wasn't going to come out since it might SNOW in your area tomorrow. Anyway, it is always great to read of the visitors that come to your area and how they all end up dead.
My favorite time of the year on FNF!!!!
Only #3 for this year? You're slacking Dave! :laf:
Yeah FOs, the first Quarter has really been slow? -Housing, Market, Obama? :laf: To tell you the truth, I'm just not seeing many of my little porcine buddies? They might be onto me? Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see how the Summer plays out? The vegetation around here is way ahead of schedule. Can't even see into the woods across the field anymore. Hampers long range chucking. :wo:
Meantime, Thanks guys!
Nicely done, Dave.
No details on the disposal, though. Usually gets pushed down a hole or left out for the foxes.
Been watching a big red fox show up a couple of evenings. The hog was layed out buffet style last night in the field. It was gone this morning. :wink:
Good story, I always enjoy Dave's episodes. :yoyo: cc
Great story once again Dave!! :yoyo: :yoyo:
note to self-- load the grill instead of the shooting table
Got up to date on all three of your adventures and waiting for the next. One of the things I missed while I was away was reading your groundhog stories.
Thanks John! I hope to be adding a few more before it's all done. This afternoon I noticed some fresh diggings at the mouth of Honey Hole No.2 Seems I might have a potential story in the near future? :sneer:
:yoyo: :yoyo: Can't wait for the next installment Dave!!!!!!!!
BTW-- Beware of the laundry basket placement!!!! :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle: