CC, my son and I are planning on heading out west to shoot some prairie dogs. None of us have ever done this before, so we are open to suggestions. I would like to stay as far east as I can but still get in some good shooting. Plus it would shorten up the drive some. Come on guys give me some ideas.
How much ammo would you normally take with you? i am planning on carrying my .22, .22 Mag, .223, .260? I would like to find a place where we could camp.
Different times of the year will decide how much ammo to bring. Spring will use far more ammo than fall, when the rats have been thinned and educated all summer. In the spring, on a large town it isn't hard to shoot a few hundred rounds of .22s alone and about the same in center fire in a weekend. It's easier to haul ammo home than to go get more. We have some towns around Eastern Montana that are on public land and camping is allowed, but the earlier in the year, the better because they get hit pretty hard as the weather warms up. No license is required to hunt pasture rats, coyotes, fox, rabbits, badger, skunk, and a few other critters but the do require a conservation license. Nonresident is $10 per person. There is no season on the critters above either.
I think it will be somewhere around June when we plan on coming out that way. I have been doing some reading and looks like South Dakato would be a good choice. Anyone around here live out that way?
Lots of places in SD. Last trip we went to the Crow res. but they have jacked the license fees, probably won't return there. Tried a few different tactics over the years. If you want to have a good time and a memorable shoot I would recommend the Rosebud res.. Specifically, Salt Camp cabins and use Mike Marshall or his son for a guide. Beware other guides who will rip you off. Mike drew the map of pdog towns years ago and still has his finger on the pulse. I remember on one
trip we woke up to a downpour, figured we were done, but Mike brought us to a town that afternoon for one of the best shoots I've ever enjoyed.
Around Memorial Day is the best shooting and hopefully weather. 3 to 400 rnds should get you thru a day. :biggrin:
Sounds like it be cheaper to go to Montana with a $10 license and open season on all those species. :eyebrow:
Montana's got a lot of ground squirrel. Really depends how much time you have. You might want check out the Varmint Hunters Ass. website. Lotta good info and good people there.