I've been working so much over time lately I don't get much time to hit the woods. Max my Mt. cur has been a bit neglected as far as getting to go hunting. I took him out the other morning and he treed his 1st squirrel (where I could shoot it... they seem to frown on that in my neighborhood :shrug: ) After I stood back looking for the squirrel for at least 10 mins I saw him chewing on the tree... the squirrel was hiding in the crack of the tree. So I stood back video'd and then ran the squirrel out with a stick. Here's a clip of my mutt in action..
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg80/Yotehntr_album/Other%20stuff/th_Treeing_zpsd002c8d9.jpg) (http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg80/Yotehntr_album/Other%20stuff/Treeing_zpsd002c8d9.mp4)
To the victor belong the spoils...
I think given enough time he'd have found a way up that tree himself. :laf:
How are you liking your dog so far? My best friend ( a GSP) passed a few month back and I've been mulling over my next choice. No dog could replace him ya know but .,,,, :shrug: I need an all around hound who's mellow when he's off duty. Will a cur fit that bill?
I like the heck out this hound... but he is no where close to mellow. Everyone I've heard speak of their cur says the same thing on their energy level.. Smart as can be but wide open is putting it mildly.
That's a good lookin hound ya got there. Is that a Tri-tronics collar ? I have an upland special. Debating whether to sell it or find a new hound to put in it?
It's a "Sportdog" I'd have trouble going back to hunting without a dog.
Purdy cool.
I wouldnta thunk Doug could climb a tree without a ladder tho. :alscalls: :alscalls:
Don't compare my cur with that old mutt... Max is house broke. :laf:
:alscalls: :alscalls: @ ^^^^!!