I got some stuff i needed to get done around the house early so I loaded some shells up for the 6.5x284 and decided to go see if some hogs were out. it was slow at first about a hour of sitting I was decideing if I should leave and move to a greener field. about then one came out 307 yds the rangefinder said so I dialed it in and squeezed the trigger. he was facing me and I ran one through him length wise.
I just got back from getting pics and I spyed another one. I range found him and it was 297 yds. I settled the crosshairs on him and squeezed off another shot.
since I could see him through the scope I decided to just leave him lay.
it was a bit then till the next one showed. he was at 475 yds. I dialed in 9moa and .75moa the wrong way and squeezed. the bullet landed to the right of him which is where I dialed the turrets too. rookie mistake and hoping he would come out and play again but it was not going to happen.
shortly thereafter a pair showed up around 300 yds and I watched em for a long time. finally they ended up one in front of the other and I squeezed another one off. the one that was nearest to me just collapsed the one behind hopped and limped the few feet back to a nearby hole. With the amount of blood I doubt he'll live.
after that I told myself that I wasn't shooting anymore unless it was with the contender or past 350 yds. about 10 minutes go by and sure nuff another one shows. I layed the contender up in the tripod and held steady. I eased the hammer back and squeezed one off. I heard the satisfying thump and through the 2x scope I could see a leg in the ear waving. I walked out and range found back to my tripod and it was 197 yds. That was the most satisfying shot of the night.
I packed it in at that point since it was 6 and light was fading fast. Even with the ones I killed today I seen twice as many in blind spots of the field as I was walking out to the hits and on my way out. I prob with save this field for a day later in april it is going to be a corn field so id rather kill em now since I wont be able to see em by the end of may.
Dang good time shooting.
Good shootin, Look's like a blast :highclap:
Sweet! Sounds like a pretty 'target rich" environment. :eyebrownod: Were you at Daves? :laf:
Great shooting. :congrats:
Good shooting Ben. Ya going to have them for breakfast?
Way to go BigBen, I like Mr. John's question. :hahaha: :hahaha: cc
Good shooting BigBen
Quote from: JohnP on March 31, 2013, 12:26:18 AM
Good shooting Ben. Ya going to have them for breakfast?
Jim we killed 30 out of this field last year in early spring and still didnt get em al. Its still a pretty good spot with what i left for seed so in a couple weeks i'll hit it again. Everyon i checked were males. My bosses father cant get around real well from spinal stenosis which is the same thing my father has and he loves shooting ghogs so i'll prob save it for him its and easy location to drive to just setup and you can shoot to 500 yds easy.
John na i didnt eat em. Last year in this peticular field we killed em 30 within a 3 week time span. Every time id be parkd out there the buzzards would sit on a nearby tree. It was kinda humerous.
This 6.5x284 was really getting me upset. I couldnt get a decent group out of it. At 100 yds .75 was best id get. I was at a 200 yd range friday and was amazed that .5 groups were easily obtained. I do not know that the longer bullets make em hard to stabilize or what but i will be doing more testing at 200. The contender i wish had a higher power scope on it. But i couldnt believe the shot i made with it. I never range found before the shot but its a flat shooting gun. I wished i had the camera. It would have made a good day of filming.
The 6.5x284 is a good gun. I have two. Used to have it in the savage F class.
What was your load you shot out of your f class? Did yours have a long throat as well.