(http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/lokanagan/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6114_zps19d05212.jpg) (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/lokanagan/media/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6114_zps19d05212.jpg.html)
Didn't notice it until the moon was well above the horizon. A few minutes earlier it was coming up over the mountain. Doggone, missed a better photo. Taken about 8:00 PM.
Thats cool. Yeah that woulda been real nice to see it peeking :eyebrow:
Snap, that's cool!
Had good intentions but got home too late to capture the moon just above the horizon tonight. Here it is about 8:45 this evening. It is after sunset at our house but the top of the peak is still catching sunlight.
(http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/lokanagan/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6116edited_zps8242a299.jpg) (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/lokanagan/media/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6116edited_zps8242a299.jpg.html)
Way cool!! Thanks!! :yoyo: :yoyo:
Well, I keep trying but the moment is past.
Tonight the moon had moved way over to the left (north) of the peak. Needed to get it several days ago, even though it wasn't full when it was coming up closer to the peak.
(http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/lokanagan/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6129_zps47007e9f.jpg) (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/lokanagan/media/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6129_zps47007e9f.jpg.html)
Sunset made the snow on the mountain look pinkish orange as we waited for the moon. The photo below is enhanced slightly to get the same color as it looked to human eyes.
(http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/lokanagan/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/6baebe86-8bfd-465b-945c-afeb0875e901_zps0d43afd1.jpg) (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/lokanagan/media/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/6baebe86-8bfd-465b-945c-afeb0875e901_zps0d43afd1.jpg.html)
Zoomed in the crevasses are starting to show up in the glaciers and snow fields on the mountain.
(http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/lokanagan/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6120_zps079a9a9c.jpg) (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/lokanagan/media/waterfalls%20mtns%20rivers/IMG_6120_zps079a9a9c.jpg.html)
That view is mesmerizing.
I like moon on the horizon photos and that's a good one.
Here is one I took of a moon rise over the Sawtooth Mountains in Alaska.
Thats cool too Semp. Looks like it was painted.
Some really nice images here.
I'll second that! :yoyo:
Semp, you really captured the feel of evening in the far north. Great photo of the moon above the horizon.
That's a nice pic, Semp. Looks like a moose ought to be rocking towards ya out of that brush!