For my Mossberg 835, rifled, cantilever scope mount, off ebay :yoyo: Simmons 4x12 scope included.
WTG! I want one but last time I spent any time looking, the reasonably priced ones were unavailable. I made do with a rifled choke for my 3" magnum 12 gauge Remington 870 Express. I gotta go shopping again!
A cousin has what looks to me like the ideal deer shotgun: 20 gauge bolt Mossberg (Savage ?) with rifled barrel and receiver mounted scope. It looks like a deer rifle. He and his brother each killed record book bucks last seaason with that gun. I hunted with it a bit on loan from him but passed the only small buck I saw.
Super expensive! They are $300 on the Mossberg website and out of stock. I had a blued one with a cantilever scope mount that I bought new for 200 and some dollars and some son of a bitch stole it out of the camp. I was browsing around checking the Mossberg site and then figured I would check eBay and I saw that one and really wanted a camo one and a cam scope and mounts so I got it for $207 which is still too much in my opinion. You can't shoot slugs out of the 835 overbored barrel or I would just have used the regular barrel. Ebays the best place to get one I think.
$96.00, remington 870
Im on a roll, I just snagged a rifled slug barrel for my Stoeger M2000 12 gauge! Camo too.
Thats gonna be a lot of fun this coming 4th of July :yoyo: :jump:
I'm hoping those invasive wild hogs get here pretty soon so I can use it on them🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷
Quote from: nastygunz on June 14, 2024, 07:07:23 PM$96.00, remington 870
Man, you found some good deals, Nasty! Thanks!
I looked them up, plus found some more, but each had some caveat to keep me from buying right then. Then I got totally distracted and haven't revisited this topic. But now I have a better idea of where to look and what to pay.
Does the wild pig invasion come after the Gnats?
Cause the Gnats are here now!
In my mouth, my eyes, my ears. Bouncing off my head in my hair.
Everywhere except my pecker hole right now. :holdon:
Didn't need that visual in my head :doh2: there's no gNats here theyre too scared of the deerflies.
Check this out Okanagan, much cheaper than a new barrel.
Bloody Hell! Somebody told me those Stoeger rifled slug barrels were recalled due to headspace issues so I contacted Stoeger and they confirmed that they told me to return it to where I bought it from. so I contacted the place where I bought it and they told me I had 90 days to return it and I have to pay return shipping!. GRRRRRRRRR. :argh: 🤬🤬
Maybe I should just shoot it and if it blows my face or my hands off then I can sue them for selling it to me? I won't be startlingly good looking anymore but I will be rich😉😂
Yah startlingly :doh2:
Well I called them again and blasted them out about selling me a dangerous defective barrel long story short it's on its way back to them and they paid for the shipping :yoyo: