The ling cod above has one side filleted off, and it is the blue fish meat in the pic below. Shot with a spear gun and not cleaned up yet.
What kinda optics ya got on the gun?
You certainly get to see way more species of fish close up than me.
It's my grandsons who dive and spear fish. On his spear gun Cody has a Zeiss 9-36x80 scope with non-fogging lens and waterproof lens covers. :laf:
:biggrin: You know I am joking, as I asssume you were. :innocentwhistle:
WTH!.... I just ordered a Zeiss 9-36x80 scope with non-fogging lens and waterproof lens covers for my frog gigging spear!... :innocentwhistle:
Looks like good eating, but I have to say that it has an ugly face.