
General => The Tailgate => Topic started by: Roundman on June 27, 2007, 08:38:59 PM

Title: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: Roundman on June 27, 2007, 08:38:59 PM
This might be the Bud Light talken BUT

I've never seen a how to on skinnen a coyote. Ya could use the right camera angles to keep down the gore. What do ya guys think? Tomorrow this might sound crazy but right now it seems like a good idea.

Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on June 27, 2007, 08:48:54 PM
I think it is a good idea.  But don't ask me to do it. I have too many fleas already  :biggrin: Jimmie
Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: HaMeR on June 27, 2007, 08:51:19 PM
QuoteTomorrow this might sound crazy but right now it seems like a good idea.

:laf: :laf:

I remember this being talked about on the other forum a year or so ago. It seems somebody has already done this but I can't remember who.  :shrug:  I believe they were using a fence post & a piece of rope.  :confused:Right now this might seem like a crazy answer but it's the best I can do. :eyebrownod:
Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: Bob D on June 27, 2007, 08:53:17 PM
Yeah, I would like to see something like that to. Sharpen up the ole knife fearless leader Jimbo ! :bowingsmilie:
Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: weedwalker on June 28, 2007, 04:05:42 AM
I've never skinned one, but I wouldn't mind watching somebody else doing it. :biggrin:
Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: awh on June 28, 2007, 07:27:08 AM
Yeap. Would be helpful.
Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: FinsnFur on June 28, 2007, 10:31:38 PM
I started a video type situation either last year or the year before, with a guy that went by Cracker on the boards. He was a Taxidermist and I was the fur handler.

He brought tons of equipment up to my shop on the weekends and we proceeded to cut footage of different processes and had plans to throw it all in a short DVD and make it available.

Once we got the footage we thought we needed, Cracker took all the footage home to get it edited and I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since.  :doh2:

I'll most likely attempt it again but this time it'll be my brother and me.  I'm really not a good skinner. Ya got to keep in mind that I can do wonders with a hide but those hides are skinned when they get to me.

My brother has been living off trapping money every winter several years. He can skin most species in less time then it takes me to hang the carcass.  :laf:
So If I pull this off......he'll be the one with the knife  :eyebrownod:
Title: Re: How about a skinning how to?
Post by: ErictheRed on June 30, 2007, 02:35:47 PM
I'd really like to see something like this too.  Too bad Cracker split on you.