
General => The Tailgate => Topic started by: Bopeye on March 09, 2008, 09:00:27 PM

Title: Who's your friends?
Post by: Bopeye on March 09, 2008, 09:00:27 PM
I'm gonna tell you a little story and then maybe relate a few things.

There once was a baby bird that was growing tired of waiting on his mother to come to the nest with some food. As each minute passed by he grew more and more impatient. He finally decided to climb up on the edge of the nest to see if he could see any sign of his mother. He was very unsteady and he fell from the nest.

He landed in the middle of a cow pasture and was immediately overwhelmed by feelings of fear, cold and loneliness. While he was lying there lamenting his situation, he didn't even notice a cow had wondered close to him. Within moments he felt himself being covered in a nasty mess that was falling from the sky. It kept piling on to the point the little bird thought he might die, but suddenly it quit. After regaining his composure he realized he was completely covered in cow crap. That cow caring about nothing but his own need to crap had dumped his entire load upon him. The little bird was furious!!! After a moment or so though, the little bird began to notice something. He noticed that he wasn't nearly as cold as he had been, nor was he as frightened. The warm, thick crap had actually warmed him up and given him some sense of well being.

Moments passed as the little bird contemplated his new situation. In the meantime, there was a cat sneaking up on the little bird. Just as the little bird was feeling quite comfortable, the cat sprung upon the little bird digging him out of the pile of crap and promptly eating him.

The Moral: Those who crap on you aren't always your enemies. Those who dig you out of crap aren't always friends.

I have made many friends on the predator boards over the last 8 or 9 years of visiting them. I first joined the "Shade Tree" (where I met CH1) then there was "Posse Country", then "Coyote Gods", then "Predator Masters" , " Fins and Fur" and now there's a whole bunch of 'em. Each have had their place and each served a purpose. I know I am a lot better coyote hunter for having belonged to each of them. Got to meet a bunch of good people and hunt with several of them.
Having said that, these boards are not my life and make up a very small part of my coyote hunting "experience". These boards are my enjoyment, just like coyote hunting is my pleasure.
I refuse to take this crap too serious or the people that think they are so great. All of us put our pants on the same way and I will never be impressed with another man. It doesn't matter to me what he has done or who he some cases "in who he THINKS he is".

The biggest problem with these boards are people taking it too serious and themselves too serious. If we really can't disagree and give each other some grief, well then what's the point? You really want to be like "Mother Russia" and let them dictate for you what you will think, write, say, feel, etcetera...............????  NOT ME BABY!!! It's not in me to take that anymore.  The so called big time boys in this game aren't a hair on the butt of some of the real deals, but they have people so deceived that folks can no longer think or see for themselves.

IF me posting what I think or feel makes me an outcast in the coyote hunting world, then so be it. At least I can look at the man in the mirror in the mornings and like who's looking back at me. I will not kiss the hind end of anyone, but I will back those in the right. I know several think I'm's all about perspective.
Our perception is our reality.


Having said that. I'll be here until Jimbo kicks my rear out of here or I kick my own rear out...........whichever comes first.  :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: FinsnFur on March 09, 2008, 09:17:16 PM
Quote from: Bopeye on March 09, 2008, 09:00:27 PM

Having said that. I'll be here until Jimbo kicks my rear out of here or I kick my own rear out...........whichever comes first.

At'll be a loooong time coming Bud. Capitolism plays no role in the relationship tween you and I  :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: HaMeR on March 09, 2008, 09:32:19 PM
WOW!! Thats an impressive way to get to the boss for a Mod job Bop!! That's one helluva interview right there!!  :wink:

:roflmao: :roflmao: :yahoo: :yahoo: :laugh2: :laugh2: :thumb2: :thumb2:

You know I'm funnin ya Bop!!  :eyebrownod:  I really like this place too!! I especially like the way the Mods give folks "Just enough rope".  :eyebrownod:  That's the way I like to Moderate too.  :eyebrow:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Bopeye on March 09, 2008, 09:42:41 PM
Mod Job???

And have to call Champion something like "Boss" or "sir".................. I'd just soon swallow a turd sideways......... :eyebrownod:

I made myself a promise in bootcamp..........I would never have a "Yank" for a boss again......... :nono:  Now I'm kidding.
I like most of you yanks........maybe I'll own a couple some day.  :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: HaMeR on March 09, 2008, 10:13:27 PM
 :roflmao: :roflmao:

Not this one Reb!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: studabaka on March 09, 2008, 11:44:18 PM
By the same token, friends are not defined by thinking the same about all things. True friends have a bond that is deeper than the petty bickerings of a board. If they thought the same about everything they would be more clones than friends. The strength of a friendship can be seen more clearly by how they respect and support each other though they may disagree. It has a mutual respect and a desire for the others success even if they disagree on how best to achieve that. True respect does not mean they tell you what you want to hear or that they agree with all you do. True friends tell each other what they truly think without fear that doing so will hurt their friendship. Friendship without truth really isn't frienship at all.

soooo...... when ya encounter guys you thought were your friends telling ya something other than your poop don't stink...... they just might be  :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 10, 2008, 07:16:01 AM
I come from a military back ground.  21 years in the Marine Corps taught me that there is one trait a man must have above all others.


I know I can count on you when times are good or things are going your way.

But can I count on you when times are tough or the road ahead seems full of pot holes?

And if I even have to ask that question, then the answer is already clear.

Stu - I respect you, admire you, and even like you. 

But I think, your loyalties lie somewhere else.   

I agree the petty bickering between boards and people is - well - petty.

But there are some here who have been slandered, libeled, hurt financially and continue to this day to be bad mouthed by those you call your friends.  And I think it clouds the way you look at some of us.  Which is sad, because you are a member of our family here on FnF, but I get the feeling, you dont like some of us very much, and even look down upon us because we harbor ill feelings towards those you have made alliances with.  We chose our sides long ago when this board was formed.  Some by choice, some by necessity.  I think it is time for you to do the same.

Just the way I see it - and only a friend would tell you to your face.

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: DirtyDog on March 10, 2008, 09:23:24 AM
Bopeye know what I have been through lately. I have sat on the fence for a LONG time, maybe too long. And as another person said on the board......"sometimes, it's the ones who sit on the fence that you can't trust". Those who know me have always know my intentions have always been honorable. I sat for a long time during that whole ordeal last week without saying a word. Then some of the people that I thought of as freinds, knowing my involvement here, and with the parties involved, started saying a lot of things that were very unpleasant. I could no longer sit there and listen to "my freinds" bash my freinds. So I stuck up for them. So then I was told that I needed to watch my back here, because people here talk nice to your face, then bad behind your back. Are you kidding me? Have they ever been here? This place will tell you how it is (and for the most part be right on) faster than Bopeye can say BITE ME. This board has been better teacher to me in the 14 years I have been hunting, than all the people that have taught me in person COMBINED. You fellas are all my freinds here, and I thank you for your brutally honest freindship, and all that you have done for me the last year.

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: HaMeR on March 10, 2008, 11:40:03 AM

I know I consider you all my Friends.  :biggrin:

I hope the feeling is mutual.  :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: studabaka on March 10, 2008, 12:08:22 PM
Al, I respect, admire, and like you too. I am not always right in what I think or what I do. I wouldn't want you to tell me I'm right when you think I'm not or defend my actions as being right when you think they aren't. I do not have the same background as you, but would guess that when you say loyalty is doesn't mean you should either.

I don't think I can single out one trait, but I was raised to value and try to engage in all I do with honor, integrity, respectfulness, and responsibility. I'll be the first to say I don't always do that well, but I try. I don't think that if another wrongs me or behaves badly that I should return it in kind. Sometimes I do, but I usually am not happy with myself when I do.

Later in life I found another 'gut check' that has served me well, I think. I look at my actions and the reason for my actions and I look to see if there is Love, patience, peace, kindness, gentleness, and self control.

I like a lot of people and I am friends with many of them. It seems to me that those I get to be closest friends with view this similarly. I really don't think I look down on anyone, but it is possible that I may come across that way. It's certainly not my intent. I'm not sure, when you use the term 'alliances' if it is another way to say 'friends' or if you mean something different by that. I really am not trying to make others think or feel differently about people and things. That truly is not my intent and who would I be to think my way of thinking is better or more right. What I am expressing my opinion on (and it is simply my opinion) is how best to respond to disagreements and being wronged. If this means I am disloyal to those I call friends, then I guess I am, but I don't think that is true.

I have friends on boards other than FnF, so I guess it is true that, in some respects from a board perspective, my loyalties are divided. I don't perceive that as a bad thing though and it's not on my short list of things I need to improve about myself (well actually it really isn't a 'short' list).

Your statement of 'I think it's time you do the same' is intriguing to me and I find it very insightful. We may not think the same way, but we both came to a similar conclusion. In fact, I have been talking with Jim for a while now about stepping out of the moderator role. It means a lot to me that he asked this old boy to help out when he needed it and I'm glad that I did. But having been in both a member role and a mod role I can honestly say that I enjoy just being a member more. I feel that when I am a member my opinions and views are just mine where as in a mod role they reflect, to some degree, to the board as a whole. I like to think that I am a welcome part of this group even if my views on stuff might be different. I have felt that as a mod I was forcing my views on others and that really isn't my desire or intent.

The reason(s) I am on the boards is best illustrated by things like my first turkey and the blow by blow advice and encouragement that made it a reality.... my first yote and the friendship that transcended my screw ups and missed shots....... the LBL where text got replaced by real faces and real camaraderie...... and ....

Maybe I am selfish, but I don't feel the need or desire to do battle to right the wrongs of the past that will never be righted. I am much more interested in the excitement and anticipation of the next hunt. Maybe that makes me a bad friend or not a friend at all. I like to think not.

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 10, 2008, 01:51:21 PM
Quotebut I don't feel the need or desire to do battle to right the wrongs of the past that will never be righted.

My mom used to tell me that Silence means Consent.

If through silence one gives the impression of condoning an action, they only encourage more of the same, and the argument therefore can be made that one who appears to condones past actions through silence is equally responsible for future actions because of that silence. 

It is only when enough people stand up and let their voices be heard that change takes place.

I am not a sheep, and I will not be let to the slaughter by those who condemn me for speaking the truth, or who try to silence me, no matter the cost.  What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. 

There are 20,000 members on PM.  It is the largest Predator Hunting board only because enough people have not had the courage to stand up and speak the truth, and therefore the truth has not been heard. 

Who has silenced your voice?  Why has it been silenced?  Are you not willing to stand up for what is RIGHT and be heard?  Or have you just given up?  Or, taken sides?

Those who beat their swords into plowshares will be ruled by those who diont, and men who lie down with dogs, shouldn't bitch when they get up with fleas.


Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: George Ackley on March 10, 2008, 02:24:24 PM

I like to say that your ok in my book buddyboy ,,
always have ben and always will be......
stay just like you are .
hope to make it to LbL and pop a cold one with ya :eyebrownod:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: studabaka on March 10, 2008, 02:40:19 PM
Yeah, Mom's are cool..... my mom used to tell me that too. She also used to say 'you are perceived by your words, but defined by your actions'.

I think our key point of difference is how we are applying it. It could be that one of us is wrong and the other is right or that we are both right in how we are applying it to our own lives  :shrug:

Is it not possible that we are 589 instead of 20,000 , in part, because of how we choose to speak the truth when we speak it? Speaking politely and respectfully is not silence and for me to speak to the injustices in question would be silly as I was not there and have little true knowledge. That said, my actions [my posts] are here and I have tried [maybe unsuccessfully] to have them polite and respectful. Though I guess technically I am counted in both the 589 and the 20,000  :shrug:

The only fleas I bitch about are those ones coming off those dang yotes and cats when I don't take the time to wash them before skinning  :puke: and I do have myself a pretty nice tiller while at the same time my gun safe ain't lookin too bad either  :biggrin: Kinda think I have a nice balance between the two  ;yes;
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: FinsnFur on March 10, 2008, 03:03:57 PM
Easy guys....we dont need to kill each other. :laf:

PM doesnt really have 20,000 members though. That, I know for a fact from my prior status over there. More then half of them have never logged in, and a very large portion of them have never been validated by using a legitimate e-mail address during sign up.
I intended to go through and clean the roster, by washing it of the profiles that didnt really exist while I was there, and I was instructed not to, that it looked good out front with such a large member base. Another petty front  :iroll: at best.

Add to the fact that they have been in existence since 2000...they should have a lot more active members then they do.
I'll stand by my insignificant 589 in peace and know that I have never begged, borrowed, stole, or charged a member to get or be here. :yoyo:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 10, 2008, 03:23:29 PM
I think it all boils down to what George Bush said.


Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Greenside on March 10, 2008, 03:38:21 PM
Hey Jim, i was about to ask that before your post. I seem to remember Bob giving  them his membership list and that added about  3000 ? to the list. Then on a upgrade that list had to re register but the new numbers started where the old numbers left off  Essentially adding a couple thousand ghost members. Then the things your talking about and the same people registered under two different names(TT) and also the alias . I'm  guessing the real number is at least 30-40 % less than what's claimed. All you have to do is look at the views on the board and you know at best there's  about 1000 active members. Probably even less?

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: iahntr on March 10, 2008, 05:08:35 PM
 :confused: :confused: I don't really consider myself slow,,, :biggrin:,,,
but it seems I'm missin  somethin here.  :shrug: Can somebody fill
me in a little, or does it not concern me.  :huh:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: FinsnFur on March 10, 2008, 06:32:05 PM
What aint ya, I say what aint ya getting there iahntr? :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: bigben on March 10, 2008, 06:42:20 PM
not sure how to say this but I consider all those here friends.  all of you I have never met other then the pa guys that frequent here.  I have talked to a few of ya but other then a name on a board you are other guys that enjoy the same thing I do.  I post on many boards and belong to a good many also.  the ones it seems that I post the most at are the ones that I feel welcome at.  predator masters I used to post a bunch it seemed everyday I was on there cruisin the boards lookin and learning.  I learned and met a good many people from that board.  after jim and the others all left I was lookin at huntmasters more then predatormasters.  that was where I learned that the experts of coyote hunting in the east all came here I quickly joined and have felt right at home ever since.  which is odd.  on these boards I normally do not form a freindship till I meet the posters face to face mainly because I have been bit in the ass a few times on other boards.  I never felt that way before.  so far I still regularly post and read on this board, the PPHA forum, predator masters (mainly helping buddys I know over there and staying in touch), hunting pa, huntnpa, and the predator hunter.  of all those I do not post as much as I used to.  alot of times I stay silent because I am still trying to figure out the situation.  I have been bit in the ass over on PM twice in two years about a guy that I had some discrepincy's with because of being a admin at the PPHA board.  so I have seen both sides of the ball from being a mod and a admin to a member just posting about the day to day grind of life.  personally I think those that are mods or admins have a large ball to carry.  your actions reflect the board in a big way.  but being on the admin side of it most of the time "we" (admins mods ect) just like to state a opinion.  most of the time a mod or admin is someone that has a lot of experience in the field that he is a moderator of.  if he gives his opinion of something and the original poster or another poster gets mad then he seems to become the bad guy.  

on a last note I tend to lean towards bop's point of view that it aint no need to get worked up over words.  I myself never really worry about it until I meet a man face to face.  most of the time it is a misunderstanding.  there have only ever been two instances that I have ever got steamed about something.  and since we are doing quotes from family members "it is allways better to be thought a fool then to speak(type) and remove all doubt"

until next time takereasy ben smyser
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: iahntr on March 10, 2008, 07:39:28 PM
Well I figure there has to have been some provocation for Bops post, and not just out of the clear blue decide to talk about friends and enemies,
and people talkin about loyalty, and sittin on the fence, and so on. I figured I must have missed somethin that led up to this.  :shrug:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: bigben on March 10, 2008, 07:46:29 PM
the only thing I could think of is keekees resignation of mod here at Fnf.  he is a great asset.  somtimes ya just need a break which is what he had said he needed. 
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: FinsnFur on March 10, 2008, 08:05:55 PM
That's pretty much it. Brent wants to advertise at PM and regain their support for his business and they wont have no part of it while he's moderating here.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: bigben on March 10, 2008, 08:10:56 PM
man that is a bit childish of PM isn't it?  I guess though if that is their rules then oh well.  I still consider everyone here friends and hope to meet all of you guys at the LBL this comin year. 
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: iahntr on March 10, 2008, 08:45:32 PM
Gotcha.  :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Bopeye on March 10, 2008, 08:46:36 PM
 :roflmao:   DAYUM!!! Poor Brent......  :sad3:

I hope everyone comes to the LBL next year including my so called adversaries.  :biggrin:  I guarantee each of you that anyone that wants to come will be welcomed by me. I can forgive and forget just about as good as anyone.
I will be nothing but friendly to anyone that shows up, unless they choose a different course and then we can always plot a new coordinates and get jiggy...... :wink:

HERE is my biggest GRIPE on these boards and what stirs me into saying something every now and then. I CANNOT STAND seeing these same dang lies getting repeated over and over like as if they are gospel. That means that when I see them, I feel compelled to once again call a spade a spade.......just can't help that.

There's a funny phenomena that takes place when lies keep getting told over and over and then passed down and repeated by others........They become the TRUTH in the minds of the ill informed masses. How do you think the Muslim faith is the fastest growing religion in the world? It's a gnarly ride and based on a lie.........that's how.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: CCP on March 10, 2008, 08:51:26 PM
QuoteWell I figure there has to have been some provocation for Bops post,

Up until now I thought it was because  I called him an ass on the phone. :biggrin:

Bopeye since I found out this post ain't about me does this mean I have to try and be nice to you again?. :argh:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Bopeye on March 10, 2008, 08:56:18 PM

:laf: :biggrin:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: ATLRoach on March 10, 2008, 09:01:55 PM
Think of this from the outside looking in..

I have been a mod/admin on multiple boards and it's the same all over. Internet is the internet and take it with a grain of salt. There are a lot of childish behavior and a lot of e-personas out there.  Some of the biggest bullies and johnny know-it-alls are kids hiding behind the keyboard.

I have met ALOT of people over the internet and in person through my 4x4 ventures. You get some out away from the keyboard and they are a lot different in person.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: studabaka on March 10, 2008, 09:03:50 PM
Actually, my comments back and forth with Al were not about Brent but simply how we as a group communicate our opinions and views. I don't think that any of us can do a fair job of expressing all of Brent's thinking behind his decision to step away from moderating, but what we can probably all agree on is that he is a good guy, he has been a major contributor of knowlege and comraderie here, and hopefully we all truly wish him the very best in his life and his business efforts.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 10, 2008, 10:20:26 PM
QuoteI don't think that any of us can do a fair job of expressing all of Brent's thinking behind his decision to step away from moderating

I'll take a stab at it.

There are only two kinds of people on PM  -  those who Have been screwed by the administation and moderators and those who WILL be screwed by the Administration and Moderators.

Brent has already been on one side of that coin, and now he wants to go back for a second helping.

If you are one of the people who thinks PM is there to support the members, to advance predator hunting, as a not for proffit corporaton you are dumber than a fence post.

I sent a moderator there the PDF files of my two lanyard tutorials.  Told him he could post them, do what he wanted with them.  They were given freely for the members.

Find them on PM.   I dare you. 

It has nothing to do with the membership and everything to do with making a proffit.   

The members are pawns with wallets.   And that, is why Brent in stepping down as a moderator.  I wish him luck with his venture, but I was there when his video frist came out and they RAKED him over the coals over it.   I was there when they accused him of taking Predator Masters equipment and money from the LBL hunt.    I was there, and so was he. 

I hope Brent realizes that once he becomes an advertisor on PM, his post will be monitored here.   He will be held hostage and at risk of losing his advetising account if he speaks ill of PM.  And for the life of me I cannot understand how that will help his business.   His credability here will be in question because no one will EVER know if he is speaking his mind or his wallet.

I'm sorry Brent, but you are waling into the hornets nest once again.   I sincerely hope it works out for you.  But I will go on record right here and now as saying that you will never get the respect or considetation for your efforts there as you would have gotten here had you stayed. 

Good luck Brent.  You are going to need it.   

I will forward the vender information you asked me about tomorrow when I am back in the shop.   I hope it helps your business.   It matters not that I worked my ass off to find and develop my vendors just so I could pass them on to someone who wants to make a fortune on PM.   It's par for the course.


Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: George Ackley on March 11, 2008, 01:19:19 AM

I Don't have a dog in this fight,, I like to see Brent move as far into the money making side of the predator hunting industry as he can ,,    You go do what you think is best Kee,,,,

First ,I don't have the writing skills or the vocabulary to argue my point,, But Mr. THO  I will give it a try..

When I say, I don't have a dog in this fight ,let me clear that up .
what I am Trying to say ,, not every body has a agenda ,, some of us are here and at PM to talk coyotes ,,
killing coyote if you wont to get right down to it.

you say this 
There are only two kinds of people on PM  -  those who Have been screwed by the administration and moderators and those who WILL be screwed by the Administration and Moderators.

There's nobody screwing ME ,,
If I don't like what your or they are  saying  I will be the first to tell you and them.
I have called just about everyone out on some other sights and at PM  , yet I have no troubles with the guys  at PM,, or any other sight. 
there not shutting me down! or editing my post! their are no nasty letters from any mods at PM !! No warnings!!   In fact I been ask to tone it done witch I didn't and never suffered any consequences ,
tell likeI see it that just me.

Us without a agenda can see more then you think,,,

I, and many others,  have seen the guys that need to go whipe there nose,  We see the guys trying to get close to the manufacturers. We know who can make a call and who just shoves a voice in a hole and passes it on as a hand crafted call , I have a shelf full of them.

I very seldom tell what call I used to kill something , unlike the guys that will tell you what call they used,
or who's hand call they used, or whos electric calls they used  way before they tell you what skills they applied to kill that game..
More post start off with a line something like this,
(My foxpro struck again)
( 2 coyotes fall to the bandit today)
or how about the call factions, 1/2 the guys will spend days arguing over the better call . HERE AND AT PM,
How about the calls that come in the mail that read ,
""Ha, George why don't you give this call I made a try""only in  the hopes later the call will show up in a photo that's in a post,
my question is ,,how do you tell a guy his call don't play??

Us, the guys out here without a agenda don't care about the infighting and the out fighting that goes on with these sights..
I just dont see what your talking about happining to guys like me???????
but what I do see is  the guys with the troubles , are the guys with the agenda
So what I really have to say is, I don't see any one like me getting screwed by the administration of any sight

SO GOOD LUCK BRENT from your friend
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 11, 2008, 06:40:36 AM
No agenda George.   None at all.

If a man wants to forsake his friends for a buck, more power to him.   That really did not bother me at all.

But when he then comes to me afterwards in "friendship" and asks who my vender is for an item, so he can make that buck, I have to draw the line.

Have a nice life.


Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: vvarmitr on March 11, 2008, 11:23:10 AM
Brent dropped being a moderator so he could advertise at PM?  :huh:    The very people that had been backstabbing him all this time & are suddenly going to stop & praise him as soon as they get their first check from him.  Talk about whoredom.
Is there going to be an apology for all the crap they spread about him before?   :noway:

Is business that bad he had to do that? :confused:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: studabaka on March 11, 2008, 12:48:36 PM
Amazing....... sadly not surprising, but never the less amazing  :rolleye:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Bopeye on March 11, 2008, 06:11:44 PM
My post has been severely hijacked here and I am pissed about it....... :pout: :confused:

You bunch of hijacking.....uh..... :wo: ......uh hijackers!!! That's the ticket!!  ;yes;

I was trying to have a seriously demented moment and now it's just a dang mess........I guess I will have to start all over again...... :yahoo:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on March 11, 2008, 07:25:39 PM
I have to say that if Kee could forgive and let pass what was done over there enough to advertise there once again more power to him.If he feels that is what he needs to do to help promote his bussiness , I wish him well. I think he is going back there for the name of PM not the folks that are running it. It does have a pot load on folks that just drop by to read that never register. The amount of info they can get there for free is quite a bit.

For them to place such restrictions on him is wrong though. He should be able to speak and moderate anywhere he pleases. They may be able to restrict what he says,but, His bussiness and personal life are just that, his and not theirs. What he does and the choices he makes are just that, HIS bussiness.

As long as folks are respectful there will not be that many problems with any board. They can agree to disagree and get along no matter what they think or how they feel. Jimmie

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: vvarmitr on March 11, 2008, 07:39:08 PM
Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on March 11, 2008, 07:25:39 PM
As long as folks are respectful

Respectful is the key word there.

I have a lot of respect for Brent, & have the actions to prove it, but this is a real snafu in my book.  :rolleye:
I wish I could have talked w/ him before hand.  ;yes;
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 11, 2008, 08:03:44 PM

What a JOKE.

Kee - you got what you asked for

You're Welcome

Respect - yeah - respect......


Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: keekee on March 11, 2008, 09:09:24 PM
Ok, let me see if I can get some of this cleared up. And I agree that this is my fault for not making this post to start with and letting everyone just take what they seen and give there opinion on it. I should of took more time, and feel as though I owe you all more than just what you got. But I will say that I am not putting this post up to debate my leaving FNF or my reasons. But I do feel I owe you more than what I posted here.

There is more reasons for me leaving as a moderator here than just PM. A bunch more, this was not a decision I made over night, I been thinking on this for several weeks or more and I can tell you from the heart that I lost allot of sleep over this (Ask the wife!). And my decision was not made over night. Let me start by giving you all some reasons why I did resign, and then clear up some other things that need cleared up.

Anytime you are a moderator on any board you place yourself in a position to be accountable for your actions weather they are your action or someone else's actions under your moderation, and even by not saying anything about that you are in some eye's still accountable for them. And in running a business that's just not a good thing to do. And it's not a good business desiccation. Take a look around the boards and see how many business owners moderate on the forums, there are some but most do not. Most of them tell there staff, if you want to post go ahead but do not get involved in the controversy and if you do, your gone! And allot of the guys that did moderate had to leave at some point do to a conflict of interest if they wanted to continue to be successful.

I had information coming back to me that  from several different companies, some pretty big that my name was being brought up for different reason in major conversations over things that I wasn't even involved in. So, I had to step back and have a look at the direction I want to go. I am just a small business and to be honest I can use all the help I can get.

I was missing some good opportunities for the company by being in the middle of the controversy all the time. Weather I posted on the subject or not didn't matter it was the position I was in and did nothing to change it.

Now, I am not going to set here and tell you all that I agree with everything that goes on here or at PM. But by not saying anything I have done myself, JD, and the business more harm than good. Do I agree with everything that has happened in the past, NO. Do I have issues with PM, up I do, did I have issues with FNF, yep I sure did. No way to sugar coat that so I just as well say it. And I am sure down the road I will have more issues to deal with were ever I post.

For some reason many of you think I was going to pack my bags and go. That's not the case. I use to come to these forums to post on Trapping, Coyote hunting, Fishing, and advertise my products, give advice when I could and help some that I could. And I still do! I had no intentions of not posting here, I just didn't want to moderate anymore. And Yes, for those who wonder I had planed on posting on PM and other boards as well.

This isn't counting the time that these things take away from your family, friends and other things that are important.

Now, on PM. I am not going to tell you that I had not planned on taking my advertising out over there. I had not made up my mind yet on what I was going to do. Regardless of weather I had issues with them or not, it is still a good solid business decision to advertise there, and by not doing so it is costing me business. But at no time did anyone from PM tell me I could not advertise over there. I didn't advertise there do to my reasons, yes I did have a disagreement with them on my advertising account that I was not happy with but that's been some time ago. And I am sure there will be times in the future that I may have other issues, and I will cross that bridge when I get there.

About the past......At this point in my life and business I have decided to let the past go and try and move forward. I cant change the past, but I don't haft to spend every day worrying about it either. I am just going to keep moving forward to try and meet my goals. I just don't see that as a bad thing, sorry. I didn't say that I agree with it, or that I didn't have issues with it, and  will from time to time. But as long as I keep moving forward I will be fine.

Let me say this though. I have done things in the past that I was not happy with and at different times have stirred the pot as well. Weather its behind the scenes or on a open board or threw email or private message. But I am only human. And I will try in the future to try and think things threw more before I open my mouth or set down in front of the key board.

One last thing as far as me trying to pad my wallet. Do I really need to answer this?   I have a business and the reason I have this business is to make money to help support the things I love to do and my family. I sell calls and video's, hunting products and such. And yes I hope to make a little money! If some of you all just new what it takes to make a video, you would ask yourself why did I get myself into this! Trust me my wife and kids have asked me that! But, it makes a man feel real good to put out a solid product that can shorten the learning curve and help someone. And that in its self makes it worth it!

I don't think that there is one person here that would not want to hunt and fish every day and get paid for it! Will it ever happen? I don't know but I hope so! Someone has to do it! And even at that all one can ask for is a good solid successful business.

And there is more to this in the industry that just message boards. Just like yesterday. A good friend of mine called me and had a death in the family, he had booked the show in Columbus, but with the death in the family he was in a bind and needed help. I agreed to take care of it till he could get his family business rapped up and get there. So, there is allot more goes on out there than just what is posted on these boards!

I am going to close out by telling you all what one of my friends from FNF told me a few weeks ago when we were talking about all this....." Go get your wife and your kids set them down in front of you and look them in the eye's! That's what's need to help you decide what you will need to do. Because they are the ones you haft to live with and answer to every day!"

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: possumal on March 11, 2008, 09:20:10 PM
Bopeye:  I am not really sure where you were trying to go with this thread, but it appears to have been run over, dismantled, and converted into a different subject.  Everybody knows you are really a psychologist hiding in a funny rascal's body.  :roflmao: :roflmao: I would venture a guess that Brent had a lot more on his mind than advertising on PM when he decided to quit being a moderator on this forum.  It is surely his business, and I wish him the best. I want to thank him for all he has done for all concerned.
       I have to say that I agree with George Ackley that none of the moderators on any forum have done anything to me, and I'd let them know about it if they did.  I have no inside or outside information about some of the things that happened to others on PM, but I don't think that we have to forsake every friend we have over there because of what happened to a few people, and done by a few people.  If that is riding a fence, so be it.  I don't see this forum as a fraternity where all members are obligated to be at odds with people on other forums.
     In my opinion,  Bopeye has it dead on right that some people are taking things too serious.  Time spent making and reading posts on forums is a really small part of coyote hunting. Sharing ideas and stories and helping the newbies, especially the younger ones, is the most important thing we can contribute.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: vvarmitr on March 11, 2008, 09:32:21 PM
Quote from: keekee on March 11, 2008, 09:09:24 PM
Take a look around the boards and see how many business owners moderate on the forums, there are some but most do not.
Point well made!
I'd just hate to see PM crap on you like they did before.   :argh:  You deserve better.  :wink:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: CCP on March 11, 2008, 10:16:17 PM

Brent that was very well said.

At the end of the day a man can turn off his computer and never look back.

At the end of the day a man still has his family and they depend on him for there future.

I wish you and your family the best of luck.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: THO Game Calls on March 11, 2008, 10:26:12 PM
QuoteAt the end of the day a man can turn off his computer and never look back.

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Rprince on March 12, 2008, 07:17:52 AM
Good luck Brent, hope everything goes well.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: muss on March 12, 2008, 10:04:13 AM
WOW.  :rolleye:   You guys sound like my 5 year old daughter. (I not going to be her friend because she played with someone else.)  How can you guys call yourself any kind of a friend and then dog somebody for trying to better hisself and his family. You guys don't have any room to talk about someone over at PM stabbing someone in the back. (step back and look around you just done it.)   How many of you go to a job thet you don't love? be honest. You don't want to go, you rather be hunting or trapping but you have to work to live. What is the difference in that and what kee is doing. You still have your friends outside of work. Someone wrote something about being about the money. (NOT IN THOSE WORDS)  It is all about the money. If is wasn,t none of us could make it. sure we all do for friends and family without asking for money but somewhere we have to make money or we or our (KIDS) go hungry. I for one would do what it took. So if stepping down from a Mod. position is all it was to be able to sell more of a product I would have done it a long time ago. That would make it easier for me to take someone elses money if I didn't care alot for them. It is hard to forgive when someone does you wrong. If you are man enough to forgive them. Thats when you have gone the extra mile and have proven you are better than tha one who done you wrong.

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Bopeye on March 12, 2008, 04:09:13 PM
 :holdon: :holdon: :holdon:


Guys, it's time to step back from the computer for a minute and just think a little. We have guys posting junk that don't even know a thing about the last couple years. We have things being said from several years. Now come on.........let it go.

Remember many years ago when Higgins made the custom howlers. Then Brent kind of inherited or something from him. Brent was making money at that point. It's no surprise that he's in it for the money. I do believe most of us that have known of him for years have known he was trying to make money off of hunting. I really don't think that should be a surprise to it.???  :confused: Because if it is, you really need to do a search over on another board, I know you can go back 3 years and I think you'll find it's no secret he is running a diversified business which caters mostly to predator hunting. I hope his business explodes and he's bigger than Byron South or Primos or Johnny Stewart or whoever........he's never hid the fact that he was trying to make money off of this sport.

The biggest surprise to me is his thinking in general towards this board and more specifically towards Champion. That shocked me, I just thought with all him and Champion had been through together, but it just goes to prove there are many layers in an onion.  :wink:

I wish Brent the best and I hope that it really does work out for him.

To those of you that don't know the history of what's going on, please quit hurting my ears and insulting my intelligence by flapping your pie eater. It just proves what you are........ignorant!

Now.......who wants to set bare back on a block of ice for thirty minutes and then try to carry a pickle with their crack?  :shock2: :sick2: :nono:

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: possumal on March 12, 2008, 04:36:55 PM
Damn Bop:  I believe that would pickle your pucker up!  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: canine on March 12, 2008, 04:56:02 PM
Friends?....I can not figure out why so many hold a grudge against trying to make money off this sport. All the accusations about abandoning F-n-F running back to PM, Not saying thanks for information....WTF.

Does jealousy drive all this shit?

Like Bopeye said, many of you do not know what ALL is going on in Brents world, so why are so many, so quick to jump to conclusions and start posting such BS.

We are trying to break into the hunting industry. WHY, is that such a bad thing? I pour concrete for a living, let me tell ya, it SUCKS, and if I have a chance at makin money doing what I love, and (not tooting my horn) I am good at, why the hell not try and pursue it?

Brent works a maintainance (SP?) position in a factory, he don't like it, he's good at calling coyotes, he has a desire to film hunts, make calls, sell other products basically has a dream of makin it in the hunting industry the same as I do. We are trying to work as a team to make both our dreams come true.

When he stepped down to relieve from Stress and workload, to give himself more time to devote to Kee's productions, which he posted all that, still many assumed he was jumpin ship. I don't recall reading Brent say he was leaving and not coming back?

Al...THO..Your throwing around alot of acusations about alot of people. Money hungry you say, What in the hell are you doing? Making and SELLING predator calls, WHY, for fun. If you say yes you are full of it. I have watched you for years now, offer up all kinds of information, cool, i think,  what a helluva guy.Then when someone takes the info you post and uses it. You later on down the road badmouth them. If jealousy gets to you that bad, start keeping your secrets to yourself. It's that simple and you will relieve yourself of alot of stress pissing and moaning about who does what for Money.

enough for now.

Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: FinsnFur on March 12, 2008, 05:57:54 PM
C'mon here....this thread has clearly run it's course :iroll:
Let's chew on Maidens or Guess or Redtoad in a different thread for a while or something and stop knawing at each other in here like a bunch of wild dogs.
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: Jrbhunter on March 12, 2008, 06:56:20 PM
Quote from: THO Game Calls on March 11, 2008, 10:26:12 PM
QuoteAt the end of the day a man can turn off his computer and never look back.


Tick..... Tock..... Tick.....  Tock.....    :sleep:
Title: Re: Who's your friends?
Post by: FinsnFur on March 12, 2008, 06:57:26 PM
Pulleeze......enough :iroll: