
Fishing => Fishing Photos => Topic started by: Silencer on July 10, 2008, 08:24:53 PM

Title: river rapid smallie
Post by: Silencer on July 10, 2008, 08:24:53 PM
Poor little buddy of mine was getting bummed watching dad reel fish after fish in on the spinner bait and nothing would hit his rattle trap.  ( I was wading, he was on shore )  So I told him just around the bend was a nice set of rapids with a hole on the left side that the rattle trap he was using would work just fine. 
First cast, a small one, second cast another small one, third cast I hooked this one for him on his pole and let him fight em in !!!!!!   That made his day, so every fish after that I caught on my pole I walked back to shore to let him reel them in.
I bet we caught 15 smallmouth this evening !!!! 


Title: Re: river rapid smallie
Post by: Hawks Feather on July 10, 2008, 10:06:37 PM
Way to go.  There is nothing worse for a kid than to watch as someone else catches fish.  You took care of that problem!

Title: Re: river rapid smallie
Post by: DirtyDog on July 11, 2008, 04:56:37 AM
Great fish! That boy sure is doing a find job holding that hog up too.  :wink:
Title: Re: river rapid smallie
Post by: FinsnFur on July 11, 2008, 05:14:01 AM
mannnnnnn :yoyo: I woulda cranked a couple in for you too :eyebrownod:
Title: Re: river rapid smallie
Post by: bigben on July 11, 2008, 07:50:06 AM
nice.  reminds me of this year in trout season. day after the opener there was a bunch of kids pitchin red worms to a school that was literally within arm reach.  the day before on the opener I caught atleast 100 trout using spinners.  kinda like catch and release selective fishing that day.  I would wait till a big trout hit it then set the hook.  three hits a cast was not uncommon.  the next day these trout were still there but they had played the game.  nothing was working.  so I brought out the fly box.  picked out a green inch worm and tied it on with a small bobber.  then I started rippin lips.  these poor kids kept gettin mad because they would not hit their red worm.  so I hooked em and then handed em the rod. set the drag light on the ultra light and they thought they were reelin in a whopper.  each caught their limit and allmost everyone was atleast a 12" trout that was nice and fat.  the day before I allmost got busted for keeping to many.  where we were fishing at had aout three feet of leaves along the shoreline that was laying in the water when we caught one we alot of the times they would squirm out of my hand and land in the leaves.  at one time we had ten laying around in the leaves.  they were saying that we were not throwing em back.  once they got revived they swam back into the water and most of the time we caught em again.  this was the first year I ever got that much use out of a fishing liscence.  I wish I lived closer to the river.