
Hunting => Firearms => Reloading Talk => Topic started by: bushmaster on August 09, 2009, 08:23:07 PM

Title: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: bushmaster on August 09, 2009, 08:23:07 PM
Any of you guys make your own media? Please share, $16 for 6lbs. of corn scraps is BOGUS!!
Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: coyotehunter_1 on August 09, 2009, 09:04:20 PM
I'm guessing you're talking corn cob tumbler media for polishing brass, right?
I use corn cob and walnut shell designed for bedding material for rabbits, hamsters and other pet varmints. Pet stores here sell it in bulk, sometimes Wally World has it too. It's not abrasively treated like store bought polishing media but a little media refresher will take care of that. With out going into the basement and checking, I do believe the last I found was in 10-15 pound bags, right at $4.00 per bag.


Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: Hawks Feather on August 10, 2009, 08:11:54 AM
I have used ground corn cob and mixed media reactivation cream in with it.  It never seemed to work too great and would take a long time to mix throughout the media.  I would usually put some in with some old brass and just let it go for what seemed like a really long time to get it mixed.  I have since switched to Case Bright treated media    I think that this is treated with Iosso polish   but am not totally sure.  The next time I am at Sinclairs I will ask them.  If you want to call them and ask about it, ask for Bob Blaine and tell him I told you to call.

Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: bushmaster on August 15, 2009, 01:25:38 PM
Thanks for the info jerry and chet.  If you could, further educate me on the corn cob media it would be appreciated. 
Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: slagmaker on August 15, 2009, 01:54:49 PM
For agressive cleaning try some rice. That stuff is abrasive and does a pretty good job.. I have not used it yet on brass casses but I have used it on brass and cast parts and was very satisfied with the results.

Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: msmith on October 23, 2009, 10:33:03 AM
I bought some corn cob bird cage litter from Wally World and it did OK, but... It is a little too coarse and would get stuck in primer pockets, and in my 45's in the primer hole. I ended up forking over the $$ and bought a bucket of walnut media from Midway. I like it.
Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: bushmaster on October 23, 2009, 06:02:27 PM
Right on, thats what i'm talkin' about.  I dont mind if it sticks in the pocket or flash hole.  I'd rather put a little more effort into it than a little more $$$  Thanks
Title: Re: Ideas for homemade media?
Post by: BigGun on January 05, 2010, 11:44:58 PM
Try the corn cob you get at Harbor Freight. Its somewhere around 25 bucks for 25 pounds. They have a course and fine grit.  Lifetime supply. Add some dillon polish or whatever you favorite is. Just don't use brass polish with ammonia in it. Will weaken brass. I've read that some guys use stainless steel shot like what is used in removing paint from metal also. They mixed a little dishsoap and water with the shot and let it run.