Here's a former resident of HH2 (honey hole 2). Seems he tried moving in without consulting with the Landlord first. -It's just a hop, skip, and a jump up to the Mrs. garden from HH2. He probably would have enjoyed a few days of lucrative raiding, had I not noticed a trail in the dew on the grass this morning. So coffee in one hand, Mossberg in the other, I staked out the hole from the deck above. I was contemplating my second cup, when I saw this medium silver back waddle out of the hole. Before he could roll out his welcome mat, I slipped a CB just below his ear. He did a cartwheel down the hill, and came to rest amidst a pile of sticks a few feet away. I about went down on my backside clambering down the bank for a hero shot. Fortunately there was no crowd of curious onlookers present looking for a good laugh. -Besides, It's not wise to laugh at a man with a nine shot .22 pistol in his hand! So here's No.9 from the Honey Hole chronicles..Hopefully I'll be able to add a few more to the tally before Summer wanes...For now I have to go clean my muddy sneakers. It has been brought to my attention that some" miscreant" has tracked alittle mud on the wife's kitchen floor? -I thought I had cleaned it all up? Forgot about their ability to detect dirt at the "parts per million" level on a freshly cleaned surface! Oh well...
:laf: :laf: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:
That is a good "chuck" is it not Dave? Thanks for the post and I'm thinking you need to carve you a call with one of them critters on it as a memento :wo:. Parts per million was priceless :roflmao:
Have enjoyed your stories and carvings over the years and look forward to them. I also "had" a HH1 & HH2 for ground squirrels and like you could enjoy my morning coffee and get some shooting in also. Recently a new home was built and the owners are anti-gun, anti-hunting and without a doubt anti-American. I was wondering how loud those CB's are and what would be the max range, also if they would cycle in my 10-22. From our patio to HH1 is 70 yards and HH2 is about 80.
Don't those furry little critters look sooooooo peaceful laying there like that?? :yoyo:
Cool story again & the "parts per million" was a goodun. :laf: :laf:
John P, I have taken the odd chuck with a CB at about 70 yards. But it was more "luck" being that I hit them in the head. A body shot, and they would run off. So I try and limit myself to under 30 yards. HH1 is 27 yards from the house, and HH2 about 21 yards. So I can finesse a CB into the head at those ranges. As for the report? It's not very loud at all. About like clapping your hands together from a distance of half a foot. My nosey neighbors ( though they would not complain) don't even hear the shots with the CB's. A regular .22 long rifle sort of cracks and echoes. So I don't readily use them. Same with the .17 H2 and .17HMR. Some new houses in the area sort of also dictated that I refrain from using them. I did try some of those Aguilla Sub Sonic .22 Rounds that utilize a 60g bullet seated atop a .22 short case. They were a bit louder than the CB's (about twice as loud) But man! They sure anchored the hogs! My concern was that the bullet was passing clean through the chucks. So I could not risk using them for fear of riccochets, unless the chuck was at HH2.
An observation that I made regarding the CB's. Is that the "Short" version was more powerful (and accurate) than the "long" version. And "No" they will not cycle the bolt on a Ruger 10/22. -You'll have to work the bolt like a single shot, but they will fire. You'll also have to re-sight your .22 with them, as the point of impact is different than the regular .22 rounds. - I have the old Mossberg sighted in for them exclusively.
Thanks for the encouragement fellas! As long as the "Honey Holes" keep producing, I'll keep you all informed. The farmer just cut the hay in the field below the house. So I'm hoping some nomadic chucks will see the "Motel Six" beacon of the HH's and set up housekeeping..."Well leave the light on for em!"
:yoyo: Good shootin', Dave !! :highclap:
QuoteSo I'm hoping some nomadic chucks will see the "Motel Six" beacon of the HH's and set up housekeeping..."Well leave the light on for em!"
:laf: Maybe you can design a groundhog call. :wink:
I been following Dave on Twitter.
He's actually IN the pic that he put up there. :wink:
Quote from: HuntnCarve on August 17, 2009, 06:37:23 AM
It has been brought to my attention that some" miscreant" has tracked alittle mud on the wife's kitchen floor? -I thought I had cleaned it all up? Forgot about their ability to detect dirt at the "parts per million" level on a freshly cleaned surface! Oh well...
I suggest that you take the former resident of HH2 and prop him/her up in the garden so that the Mrs. will know where the dirt came from.
Jim, I know you are such a Twitter fan and like you I also got the update that the hog was down. I also saw it on Face Book, MySpace, and American Idol.
YUP nice shot on that hog, don't think he every knew what hit him. :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: cc