"Hey Dad, There's a groundhog outside!" my daughter yelled to me from the shop doorway. I heard; "Daaaaaarounndhoggggouuusieed?" over the whine of the saw... Deciding it was best to turn off the bandsaw I was running and save a few fingers, I switched it off and turned to ask her what all the commotion was about? Meantime, preparing to lecture her about yelling at a mans back while he's operating power equipment... "I said there's a groundhog outside!" "Well why didn't you say so" I muttered as I whipped around her in the door way in the race to get upstairs..
Grabbing the .22 Mossberg from the bedroom I noticed the wife looking out the bedroom window. "He's behind the thin tree" she said, but I lost him?" Figuring it was best to just try an all out "deck" defensive, I decided not to try and bother deciphering which of the hundreds of small thin trees the groundhog could be behind? That decided, I slid open the deck door and slithered up to the railing. Scanning HH2 quickly I could detect nothing? Turning to HH1 I got the same results? "Where the heck could he be?" It was just then I glanced back at HH1. "There he is!"
Quickly I found him in the scope. Having just "checked in" he was probably going outside to get his luggage..So as he was moseying across the top of the hole broadside. I whistled and he stopped..Possibly wondering what kind of bird would be whistling in this heat??? Squeezing off a CB, I heard the meaty plunk of a solid hit. The hog wilted amidst the tall grass. Quickly getting another round chambered, I saw him raise his body to a half crouch. I planted the crosshairs on his ear, and touched off another round. "Plop!" he stiffened like a "Ten Pin" at the bowling alley, then toppled backwards. I had picked up the spare! [First photo shows him laying in the lobby of HH1]
Here's the tools of the trade (above) The Ol' Mossberg and some SuperX CB's
And finally the "Hero" shot, with my "Tenth Honey Hole Hog" -[Kindly taken by my daughter after assorted "Yuks" and "Icky" comments?] Notice the "ten" fingers I'm proudly displaying. -Not to signify the tenth chuck. But to show that the bandsaw has not claimed any of my digits...
It seems like it was only yesterday when I was commenting about the "Motel Six" like powers of the Honey Holes.. Beckoning to wayfaring hogs.. Well, I left the light on! And the Honey Hole Gods answered my wish! Until next time...
Sidebar: There's alot of happy buzzards in these parts.
Thats cool Dave, and a fine family effort at that. :nono: What do you do with the "hogs" once they are down? eat'em, skin'em or toss'em? I'm good with all three choices. :biggrin: I have a picture of my grandfather somewhere around here, of him back in the 30's, with some of the local community (Maybe 10 guys and boys total), with 5-6 hogs laid out in front of them. He said they used to eat them back then perty regular, and thats why they were hunting them that day.
Todd, if you get a young one they are decent fare. I don't really care for them. The ones around here are crawling with fleas and ticks, and occassional mange. So I haul them across the field to an old dump site. Usually within the day, the buzzards have them picked clean. If they make it to night, the fox make short work of them. The farmers hate them cause of the large burrows they dig. Many is the time a tractors rolled as a burrow collapses under the wheel. With all the hills in these parts it become pretty treacherous if you have a bunch of chucks. They'll throw two litters a year (4-6 young). So they can over run a place in short order. I'm just trying to keep the homefront secure. LOL!
Dropped him Like a 4" Bluegill ......... :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:
Quote from: HuntnCarve on August 18, 2009, 03:38:23 PM
Notice the "ten" fingers I'm proudly displaying. -Not to signify the tenth chuck. But to show that the bandsaw has not claimed any of my digits...
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
You are having way to much fun shooting them.
Jerry, only 24 more to go, and I'll pass my record of "33" the summer of '92! Lets keep our fingers crossed! :laf:
:rolleye: I can't believe you posted that picture with all that mud STILL on those shoes Dave!! You better hope Mrs Dave doesn't see this!! :nono:
Great story again!! :laf: :laf:
"Until next time, we'll leave the light on" :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: Good gah you have way to much fun with this. :congrats:
Good shooting. I like the pictures!
I looked at that first pic for 2 minutes looking for a Bee :doh2: Another wonderful tale and pics to boot :yoyo:
Barry, If you look hard enough at that first picture you'll see that there's a "C"Bee (CB) inside that chuck's cranium... LOL! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :roflmao: