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Neat bobcat experience

Started by Joel Hughes, November 13, 2006, 03:43:54 PM

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Joel Hughes

I went for an AM deer hunt last week.  About 7:45 I got bored so I did a short series of antler rattling on the eCaller to see if I could rattle something in.  Didn't matter what since I just planned on putting some venison in the freezer.  To my surprise two bobcats appear down the hill to my left.

Bobcat #1 comes across the hill straight in front of me and stops at about 20 yards.  I'm in the shade of a bush and the sun is in his eyes.  He's squinting hard trying to make me out.  Can't, so he begins to walk up the hill towards me and stops about 20 feet in front of me in the shadow that my bush is casting.  Now he can open his eyes and get a good look.  Of course, my rifle is leaned on the shooting sticks to my side.  Can't move, but he just sits there staring.  Bobcat #2 proceeds straight at me from down and to my left and comes to a hard stop at 5 feet.  In the first picture, do you see that cactus at the top of the hill on the right edge of the pic?  He stops just to the left of that cactus and sits down.  I can literally see his pupils adjusting trying to figure me out.  And I know he can see my eyeballs moving going from one cat to the other.  He starts to growl at me.  And I mean a big, nasty, mean growl.  Bobcat #1 thinks this is the thing to do so he starts growling as well.  Man, I'm thinking I'm in heaven!  Bobcat #2 starts to slooooowwwwly slink away.  It's as if he thinks that if he goes slow enough, maybe that thing by the bush won't see him leave.  Pretty funny.  About the same time, bobcat #1 does the same thing.  Finally!  I can reach for my rifle.  I get it up and put the scope on #1 and all I can see is fur.  He stops and looks back at me again.  I pull the trigger and fur flies, literally.  #2 just trots off to where he came from.  I hit the coaxer on the eCaller.  5 minutes later a mockingbird is going nuts down in the mesquite flat below me.  Sho nuff, #2 steps out and sits down at about 50 yards.  I take aim and squeeze...and squeeze...and squeeze...Son of a !#@$. :argh:  I had put the Savage back on safety.  I flip it on fire and he walks away not to return.  Should have been a bobcat double. :sad:  Oh well.  It was still an unforgetable experience nonetheless.

Anybody ever had a predator come into antler rattling?  I thought that was pretty odd.  I know I was deer hunting but I couldn't pass that up! LOL

This picture is of me where I sat and you can see dead bobcat #1 in front of me where he died.  Bobcat #2 stopped between me and the cactus to my left.

A couple hero shots - This is right about where I sat.  There's that cactus where #2 stopped.  You can get a good idea of how close he came.

Pretty big male bobcat.  #2 was a bit larger which is why I kept referring to it as a "he" in the story.  The sex was just a guess on #2.

My first kill with reloaded ammunition.  I'm having a blast reloading BTW!  The 85 gr. Sierra HP from my Savage 12FV .243 is not fur friendly at close range. LOL  Jim, if this picture is too messy, feel free to remove it.  I wanted to show the damage and why I didn't keep the fur.

My wife is not much of an outdoorsy person and didn't find this as interesting as I did, so I had to share this with some hunters.  Hope the fur flies for you this season.
God Bless.


sweet story and a could be nice cat lol congrats


Awesome Joel, that things has got some size to it, I would have liked to seen the other one.  :eyebrownod:

Rattling for Cats... :yoyo:  I can just see it in the next issue of Predator Hunter. That is too cool. Couldn't have happened to a better person....and a double yet!  :laf:

I think having em both that close growling would have been a little unnerving but you done good  :eyebrow:
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Joel,  Great story and pictures.  We are planning on being down your way again this year. Hope to meet up again.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.

Bob D

Way to go Joel! I bet that was fun having those cats so close and all. I've heard that rattling will call up those cats. I think I will try it next time I go out. Great story and pics.

Hawks Feather


Great story and pictures.  I am going to have to hunt outside Ohio if I want to shoot a cat.  Well, make that a cat that could be talked about.




Great story and awesome pics man.

Thanks for sharing,

Retired USAF
Desert Storm Veteran
Remember to thank those who are serving our country and the families of those who have died to keep you safe...Our Troops, Police and Firemen deserve our thanks"


     Great stort and pics Joel. :congrats:

Brad H

That is so cool Joel!

What an awesome experience!

Great pics and story.



WOW JOEL!!!! :highclap:  Man I got goose bumps! Thanks so much for the story & pix's.

Why can't you get stories like this in magazines! :argh:

Joel Hughes

Thanks fellas.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.

RShaw:  I sent you an email.

It's nice to see some familiar faces (names) on here.  I hope to show up more often than I have in the past.


Sent you a PM.  Forgot to congratulate you on a good hunt.  You did a good job on the pictures and story.  Your narration made us feel like we were right there with you.
Keep those stories coming.

WhiteHare Lanyards
Richard Hughes


Rich Higgins

The coolest things happen to you on stand, Joel. Too bad you didn't have a video camera this time too.

Jerry Hunsley

Quote from: Rich Higgins on November 14, 2006, 02:07:50 PM
The coolest things happen to you on stand, Joel. Too bad you didn't have a video camera this time too.
I'm with you on that Rich. Would have been some awesome video.