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CS-24 test results (Attn: John P.)

Started by possumal, October 17, 2009, 09:02:24 AM

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Hi all, special attention to John P. since he posted his interest and was waiting for reports.  Having been sick with the flu and sinus infection for about two weeks, and having the reported burglary strip me of my guns, yesterday was the first chance I have had to actually get out hunting to test the CS-24.  Don't want to sound like an infomercial, in respect to Jim's preferences and no real intenton of doing so, here are the results:

10-16-09         2 morning stands, 3 called in, 1 39 lb. male dead, 1 missed by my hunting buddy who was trying a head/neck shot at 200+ yards.

                      2 afternoon stands, 4 called in, 1 53 lb. male dead (Prettiest coyote I have ever killed) no shots at the other 3 as they retreated into heavy cover, and it was real close to dark.

                      Rifle pictures is the replacement for my Browning Abolt 243 which was stolen.  It is the Savage Predator in 243, with accu-trigger and 4 x 12 Bushnell trophy scope, all camo. A real shooter right out of the box.

                      The pictures speak for themselves: Get you a CS-24 and don't look back. In my opinion, it is the best overall ecaller I have ever seen.  Good hunting at ya!

NOTE: The fuzzy little rascal  pictured in the middle is "Possumal's Jango", potentially a good decoy dog and companion, who just naturally doesn't like coyotes at all. He gave them what for.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I know I am looking into going the CS-24 route. Just not as happy with the FX5 as I would like to be.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


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Good going Al!  :thumb2:

Glad to see you got a dog that will probably bark when thieves are strolling through the house.   :laf:


I'm not too sure he wouldn't try to attach a rhinocerous.  I hung a coyote up on my hanging frame, and before I even had him off the ground, he was raising hell at that nasty smelling rascal. Once I actually got him hung, the breeze made his tail blow and his fur kind of ruffle up, and he came flying down on this tie out cable, and was trying with all his 10 lb. strength to break that cable and have at old Wiley.  He is 12 weeks old now, and when he gets just a little older, I will take him everywhere I go.

Thanks for the concern.  More details later, but for a quick updater, the security installer will finish this a.m. with a really good system that has battery backup, I have a Remington 870 express with 18" barrel, 7 shot, loaded with 3" magnum duplex 4 x 6's, and I bought my Ruger 357 Mag. pistol back from my grandson, Josh.  The best is yet to come, believe me.  My newly formed neighborhood association has been responsible for the arrest of 2 of these thieving bastards who steal all the small stuff to get their "Stuff", and not saying who, but one of these nice guys got a lead pipe across his shin of his right leg at 2:00 a.m. when he was stepping up out of a neighbor's yard into my next door neighbor's yard. Damn, I'll bet that hurt bad. :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Pretty awesome pix!!....that jango dogs needs to be attack trained to go right for the crotch!....just make sure he knows who you are if you get up in the middle of the night to take a leak  :innocentwhistle:....side tracking, any news on your burglary?


I think the detectives have it narrowed down to who did it out of the possibles, but don't have a clue if there is any chance of getting any of the guns back.  Our neighborhood protection association is doing some good things to educate the punk perps that crime doesn't necessarily pay.  :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Thanks Al, I'll see if the wife will raise my allowance.  Nice pictures, why in the world do ya got all them heavy looking clothes on?  It was 90 here today when we quite calling. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


John P, it was 40 degrees when those pictures were taken, and it had been 38 at daybreak.  If I hadn't been half dead with flu or sinus infection or both, I would have hunted from daylight to dark, as it was a perfect, grey day with light wind.  Nearly choking to death from sore tonsils and sinus drainage does not add to my expertise one iota (lol).  In fact, I find it downright hard to blow that Cronk buffalo howler or the new "Assassin", and using a mouth diaphragm for my howling and Ki-yi's is impossible.  I'd more than likely swallow the damned thing.

I had to take a long break between the morning and afternoon hunts which really ticked me off since it was an ideal day. Oh well, I can't question the Good Lord for giving me a few inconveniences as I sure deserve them like most of us do, and the time I am allowed is all bonus material. The way I figure it, a marsupial who is 70 years young, is the equivalent of an aborigine approximately 120 years old, but I don't have a dingo to be my decoy dog! Hmmmmm, I'll have to think about this some more.

I sincerely hope your wife will loosen up the strings on the piggie bank and get you a CS-24.  The thing is flat out amazing, I can assure you.  I have set that thing up in all kinds of test scenarios, and the remote has operated it flawlessly 100% of the time.  That is a big time advantage if you set up like I prefer to as far as the distance from the caller and the exact position of my set down spots.

No buzztails operating in our part of God's country, no tarantula or scorpions either!  :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff