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Mule Deer test pic

Started by Basshole, July 23, 2006, 06:14:08 PM

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Just testing this picture thing out.  This is a picture of three mule deer that always hung around the lodge that we stayed at when we were elk hunting in New Mexico last year.


Nice pic's Basshole! ( Did I just say Basshole? )....lol :roflmao:



Yep, KeeKee you sure did just say Basshole, my wife says it all the time, but she tends to leave the b off :shrug:  Anyway looks like I figured out the picture thing, so here are a few more from that trip.

The first one is one of the old line shacks on the ranch.

This is the same line shack just a little different shot.

This just gives you an idea how vast the area is.

This is the elk my buddy Jeff Shot.

This is my buddy Hal with his elk the other guy was one of our guides, this was a nice elk but one side of its rack was broken.

Don't know why but I didn't get any pictures of my other buddy's elk, and I didn't get one to take pictures of. :rolleye:



Nice pics basshole.. Beautiful country



Excellent pics Basshole (I love that name)
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle


heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Jim im still sleeping at the wheel :sleep: