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Crack pipe scores again...

Started by centerfire_223, January 14, 2007, 05:59:39 AM

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I took off Thursday on a little calling trip with one of my calling partners down to his hunting club near Augusta, GA. We got down there in time to make a couple of stands that evening but didn't have any takers. So we figure we would start out fresh the next morning.

We awoke to pretty warm temperatures, way warmer than I like to hunt in. But I figured we would make the best of it. This farm has produced 50 bobcats in the last 3 years and this is only the ones that they have killed, not counting the ones that got away, so every stand I was expecting a bobcat.

We wound up making 12 stands on that day, calling some of the most beautiful stands I have ever called. You couldn't walk down a dirt road that wasn't full of coyote tracks and scat. After a hard day the coyotes had won, we hadn't called up a thing, but not because of not trying. We hunted every type cover, called using every sound I know how to use and nothing would bring them out. I guess it was just one of those days.

So on to day two, the morning rolled around WAY to early and again we had warm temps. But off we go again with high hopes of calling something up. We had already made three stands that morning and were headed to the fourth one. I will be the first to say, I was getting discouraged BAD!!! Carl and myself have hunted together several times and had never called one up while together. But that was fixing to change.

We decided to quit trying to call these coyotes out to the edges of the fields and just get into the thickets with them. So we setup down in a creek bottom between a field and a clearcut. We had about a 100 yards of visibility. You can tell by the picture it was fairly thick in there.

I put Carl watching to the west and  I was covering the tail end of the thicket to the north. I fired up the ole crack pipe and sent out some smoking cottontail blues up the creek bed. I was about 3 minutes into the stand and I noticed Carl bring his gun up. I couldn't see what he was aiming at but I knew it was something. I put the call down and lip squeaked one time and here she come.  Turned out to be a pretty coyote. Score another one with color for me. Here are a couple of pictures.

Ronnie Cannon



  WOW Nice coyote Ronnie. You are the man when it comes to black coyotes for sure. You need to put up a sound file so we can hear how you make that crack pipe sound. I goggled crack pipe and 3 pages came up with you and your pipe. Of course they weren't all about coyotes. :roflmao:

Once again NICE job!!!!!!!!!!!!



That sure is a purdy coyote........excellent job......... :congrats:

You googled "Crack Pipe" Richard?  :wo: :huh: You kill me man?  :laf:
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Bob D

Enjoyed your hunting story and the black coyote. There aren't many hunters that can boast the kill numbers ( and back it up) on those black coyotes as you. How many does that make now?


Thanks everyone, that is the 6th on I have called in. I have been able to kill 5 of them.
Ronnie Cannon



Geeeeez, the guy is a black coyote FACTORY.
Nice read Ronnie, way to go  :biggrin:
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WTG Ronnie.....you da man :) Love those blackies!!!!!!



Congrats Ronnie ! Your the Ace on black coyotes ! :congrats:


I do find it Ironic the Crack pipe calls in more Black coyotes. What sound does it make more of, a Rap sound or raspy sound. :roflmao:



 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: Thats a good one Rich.
Again Ronnie great story and pictures.


 :roflmao:  :laf:  :yoyo:

Crack pipe!...black coyotes   :innocentwhistle:

Good one Rich

What????  :shrug: ????
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Bob D

Quote from: CCP on January 14, 2007, 01:02:51 PM

I do find it Ironic the Crack pipe calls in more Black coyotes. What sound does it make more of, a Rap sound or raspy sound. :roflmao:

Watch yo mouth boy! :huh:


Quote from: CCP on January 14, 2007, 01:02:51 PM

I do find it Ironic the Crack pipe calls in more Black coyotes. What sound does it make more of, a Rap sound or raspy sound. :roflmao:

No Rich, it plays the blues, the cottontail blues.
Ronnie Cannon



Quote from: centerfire_223 on January 15, 2007, 04:42:34 AMNo Rich, it plays the blues, the cottontail blues.
:laf: :congrats: Good one Ronnie.
BTW The story & pix were okay too.  :huh: Okay they were great! :biggrin: :highclap:


Great looking black coyote centerfire.

BTW, this thread is funnier than h*ll.  :hahaha: