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Little help..

Started by Roundman, January 18, 2007, 08:45:37 PM

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I have a farm that I called a couple of weeks ago and for the life of me I can't get one to respond to a distress call. I made four stands and nothing. I just wonder if the amount of available food makes them very hard to  call. This farm has hundreds of head of cattle, a neighbor that has a couple of large chicken houses. Do ya think that  food is just not that hard to come by? I have seen a couple on this farm while out scouting and have killed a couple, all were big dogs.

I don't know about coyotes but if i'm full and you ring the dinner bell I ain't getten off the couch.

The only luck I have had is with the howler, and on two occasions right at dark I pack up and get back to camp, they open up from where I just made my last stand. :madd:  I feel like I play the wind right I THINK I know the travel lanes I just can't get them to jump in front of my rifle. Tell me what you think 



I think maybe food is a factor in coyote calling. Not factor if they come in or not ,,just a factor in how you call them in.  There are so many variables why a farm wont produce. I would say just keep paying attention to your set up and keep scouting. Locate the coyotes before daylight and then hunt em. I have a farm i hunt that never produces. Maybe one or twice a year. I went there yesterday evening and called a coyote while cat calling. I bet ive made 20 stands on that one farm in between call ins. I know they are there,but when is the question. I dont ever go there to locate due to the old folks that live there.
" I love coyote huntin",and the folks that learned me the way"

Hunters Specialties
"For Sportsman, by Sportsman"


Nothing is a guarantee. It's kinda like fishing, you see the fish but they just dont bite.

I'm not a pro...and might not have much to offer beyond this next question, but how long are you setting on a stand? I'm guessing your giving up too early.
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I'm no pro either.But it could be these coyotes have come in contact with other callers and left with bad impressions.I've called coyotes in close to dead deer and cattle,before,it could just be the mood there in.Also,I don't know when your howling,but maybe try it a little earlier in your setup to give them more time,like Jim mentioned,maybe your leaving too early.I use to be a 15 minute stand guy,now I've went as far as 30 min. and found I have missed out on late comers in the past.This time of year,atleast up here,the lone howls seem to start doing the trick.Sometimes they answer and come,other times they don't and come anyway.Sometimes they answer but don't show.One thing I noticed,is if I get an answer thats a lot of yipping and high pitched howling,like there excited and they stop,there on there way.But if theres alot of barking in there response,I can almost bet I'm getting a no show.Can't wait to get out this weekend again.

Jimmie in Ky

This little world of ours is getting more pressure from other hunters all the time. And they have a lot more info available to them than what we had when we started. They are starting out using howls as much or more than prey sounds.You should learn to do some canine distress sounds with mouth calls. Work on the territorial nature of those dogs instead of th dinner bell and you might see a diference. ANd stick with 30 minute setups.

But then again they just might not be there at the time you are. We never really know what our chances are until we see that dog show up. Jimmie


 I know this farm has been called a couple of years ago by a couple of fellas. I talked to them for awhile and found out they gave up because of lack of success. I quizzed them about howling and they looked at me like I was stupid. This may be why I have luck with the howler only.
I get to call another farm tomorrow maybe I'll have better luck there.
