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Yotes tale (Sat. morning)

Started by wked, March 07, 2010, 04:49:24 AM

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Called one in on west ky 2nd stand this morning. Got him to 20 yrds. Then I missed with my 870! How do you miss a standing still yote at 20yrds with a shot gun? Let me tell you. He came in way to my right and was too close before I could shift. Sooo, I sez to myself, self, shoot him left handed. One little detail I forgot about. My contact lens are set up for distance in my right eye, reading in my left eye. When I looked down the barrel I could kinda see a white spot out there (front sight), and lots of blurry brown trees. I opened both eyes but right eye dominate makes that impossible too. Now the yote has my scent so I shoot anyway. Scared the bejeezus out of the yote and he runs right at me. Now I'm trying to pump the dang shotgun left handed. Luckily I didn't hurt myself. The dog got away with a good education, unfortunately.
Somewhat pleased I had called in my first on the wma, I head to some private land close by. Walked about a half-mile across a cornfield, take a drainage to the edge of the woods. I laid down my gun, took off my bag & opened it to get the decoy and looked out in the field to my left. There stands a coyote watching me. I sat down, got my mono pod and extended it, put the rifle up and shot him. Down he goes. Then he got up and ran! Not far though. About 40 yrds and he goes over the creek bank and he was done. Another lively morning!


nice story... and some what... good shootin :wink: how the heck did ya get the yote outta that... looks like some steep banks



I edited your post and fixed the image code to show the pic wked, hope ya dont mind. :wink:
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Exciting morning.  :yoyo:
Thanks for sharin.  :congrats:


Huh makes one wonder what on earth was he thinkin'! Probably a young yote just trying to figure out what in the heck you was doin'!

Good job!

Yesterday is Wood
Tomorrow is Ashes
Only Today Does the
Fire Burn Brightly

Romans 8:28

Montani Semper Liberi --- ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛÎ'Î'Ε


Good story!  I've tried that left hand shooting with a 3 1/2 inch turkey load and oooowwweeee I won't do that again.   :nono:

Jimmie in Ky

Don't know about you Semp , but it took me ten minutes to get my eye's uncrossed. :innocentwhistle:

Way to go Ed. I figure there are a lot more of tehm down there too.  Last time I was up there  I found a lot of sign in the wooded area closer to the plant.  Not so much in the fields closer to the fellowship hall.  Jimmie


Thanks Jim.  Sorry I always seem to have trouble with the pics.  Not enough practice posting them!!

Hf, that's exactly what I thought.

Yeah Jimmy there are some there. Trouble is they are very accustomed to avoiding humans.  There are times there when the dog f_ _ _ ers, er I mean field trialers, can drive you crazy and ruin a hunt.


Another great hunt Ed!  :congrats: 
Thanks for sharing. :biggrin:




I have my contacts set up the same as you do.  Works great except for left handed shooting!

Thnaks for the story!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!



Enjoyed the post and the pic.  Thanks for sharing.


Sorry I missed this one ... Congrats of the coyote down! I can't do the lefties either ...  :nono: