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The weather it do change.

Started by pitw, April 09, 2010, 08:13:10 AM

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The weather sure does change...we are pushing our hiking trip back a day due to weather. We were going to leave tomorrow morning, but they are calling for a high of 70 dropping to 35 or so. It is also supposed to rain 70% chance and turn to snow at night and last into Saturday. We will head out on Saturday instead. :iroll:


Probably a good choice Steve.  I'm glad I came home instead of heading to get my new truck as there are vehicles in the ditch's all over this side of the province.  Even our bus driver got stuck last night at our intersection :doh2:.  Which brings up another story :innocentwhistle:
   Went out to help the bus driver as she pulled the bus onto the side road which has a slight downhill slant and she couldn't back up because the wet snow turned to 2 inch's of ice as she drove over it.  Dogdropper was shoveling the ice out from under the bus and I was moving the snow and ice off the road with the tractor so she could get traction[I wasn't hooking a chain to the bus as there was no hooks and I wasn't trusting anything I saw under there to hook too].  Tevis in his infinite 21 year old wisdom picked this time to pick on the dropper one more time at which Bob called him a name earning him a cuff.  He replied to the cuff with a swing of the #8 aluminum scoop shovel to the side of his older brothers head splitting the ear open[which required 4 stitch's to repair] and much blood to fly.  This one has been in the works for twelve years and I'm glad I got to witness the act that netted Bobby a two week abstinence from electronics :nono:.   Man it is good to be alive and well on the farm in Canada :alscalls: :alscalls:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


 :alscalls:  So we won't see the dropper on here for a few days? Sounds like normal brothers. I grew up an only child, so I wish I had a brother to clobber from time to time.