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mornin and dusk

Started by vayotehowler, May 17, 2010, 08:44:42 PM

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I have heard the am and jsut before dark is the best time to call. around here dogs fire off 1-2 am according to landowners so when in u opinion is best time to call in spring


A lot of folks are against hunting them now as the pups are out.......
The key is...... If they are howling at point A at 2AM...........Find a spot where they are howling at a different time and you have a direction of travel and can pinpoint the bedding areas...... then set up between where they want to be and the bedding area.......

This is just how I like to look at it....... I hope it helps ya ...... Scouting and set up are KEY so keep plugging away at the puzzle..... They will be in their family groups through June then around July.......The puzzle changes again...... :eyebrownod:


vayotehowler, I hunt Mornings and midday mostly. I have hunted evening alot in the past but end up hearing and educating way more than I kill in the evenings. Late evenings I have had alot of coyotes hold up on me and not comitt until there is very,very low light or after dark. In these cases these coyotes get educated more than killed. We all have heard the countless post " Man the coyotes lit up all around me on my way out"  :doh2:

With my limited land access I cant chance educating them anymore than I already do,so I leave late evening hunts out.



I have killed a few coyotes over the years but I can honestly say not very many killed after about noon.  My late afternoon till dusk hunts are mostly all for naught.  Now a days when I get out at day break I usually call it a day by ten. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


i am limited as well . I do have a property that is 300 acres and the guys have a hunt club and want em out of there , now my piece of land i want em to stay so can hunte em so wouldnt hunt in spring, dont want my turkey or deer going but i guess if kill em more will come in


I find these posts interesting, I have only killed 15 coyotes, but only one was in the morning or mid-day. Most of my success is late afternoon in the hour before dark.


Quote from: SCcoyotehunter on May 26, 2010, 06:39:01 PM
I have only killed 15 coyotes,
You trying to be a smart @$$?  :confused:
