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Death by flying Giganotosaurus

Started by FinsnFur, May 28, 2010, 06:07:55 AM

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Went fishing yesterday after work again and after not having much luck in one spot decided to head to a different location.
Were tooling down the road minding our own business when all of a sudden it sounds like someone's in the back seat with a chainsaw.
Not just a regular chain saw either....a chain saw with mudflaps on the chain, and they are beating it around off the ceiling and the back window.

Kyle jumps like a nuclear bomb just went, locks his hands together behind his head, leans forward and pulls his head down screamin, WHAT the heck is THAT!!"


I looked in the mirror cause I had to try and maintain control of our vessel. Kyle wont look back there but he looks at me to see what I'm going to do. He see's me looking in the mirror, so I just stare with my eyes as wide as they'll go for about three seconds, and then yell, "Holy Mother of God please help us", while a start to frantically jerk the steering wheel from side to side.

Kyles eye's get the size copenhagen cans, his face seriously starting to redden and sweat is dripping from his nose and forehead. He says, STOP THE FRIGGIN VAN...DAMNIT!... DAD let me the *^@%$ out of here. STOP! I'm serious what is that thing?"

He did open his door and presume the rollout position so I had to accelerate and increase my frantic wheel jerks to hopefully get him to rethink his  escape.

When I finally stopped, he bailed out and took off running like I aint NEVER seen him run before. He got about 50 yards away stopped and squatted down as if to avoid any debris from the van blowing up or something. He yells back as I'm climbing over the seats to get a picture, and yell's "Are you friggin CRAZY...what is it? Dad what is it? What the heck are you doing?"

This is what he was pissin his britches about.

I just love his dual wing spans. That was the mudflap chain saw beating holes in the upholstery, I'm sure. :sneer:
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Carolina Coyote

 :laf: :laf: :laf: :laf: :laf: :laf: Always pays to carry a weapon along in case of attack. cc


Mark this in your diary, Jim!   Kyle saw his first dragon fly!    :eyebrownod:

They eat mosquitoes and bugs so I hope you gently sent it on its way.   


And I thought I was a [thing guys want to get in the female anatomy] :innocentwhistle:.
:alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Hawks Feather

I love it when a parent can pull something like this off on someone older than 10.   Way to go Mr. Jim.



He's deathly afraid of any flying insects Barry. He got that from his mother. You never heard such a blood curdling scream as her when she see's a bee.
We was only married for 6 years and I never did get used to that. Every time I heard that scream I thought someone had a hold of her with a knife to her throat. It was that intense.

Kyle see's a bee upstairs and you'd swear to god someone threw a cardboard box and two bodies down the steps, at the noise he makes surfing down the steps and bouncing off the walls to get away. :iroll:
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Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


Good one Jim, love screwin with the kids head.  Just remember, they are the ones picking the nursing home you'll be going do.

Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


