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Coyotes like bacon, too!

Started by clubmkred, September 14, 2010, 08:57:46 AM

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I have been setting up the game camera with some bait near the in-law's house where we have seen coyotes time after time. The raw meat, chicken, etc. hasn't drawn anything but turkey and deer (mere curiosity) until I poured some bacon grease over the bait. Then... voila... Here's some examples from last night set up. Look at the time stamp, looks as if they revisited three different times during the night.


They know a good bacon/chicken salad when they smell one. :laf:
Looks like a couple young of the year.
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Maybe I'm part coyote? :wo:
At the breakfast buffet I go back & get bacon about three times.  :sneer:
That is till Coyote Kate got me on this diet.  :doh2:


come on who doesnt like bacon.  I think bacon is that good that vegans might even try it once.
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


"Yeah but bacon tastes good.  Pork chops taste good." - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Jimmie in Ky

Big looking ears lead me to believe theuy are pups as well. Curiosity is getting the best of them. I think cooked bacon is one of the scents that just seem to carry over a large area.

You time stamps also tell me you need to follow the drainage some . These animals are getting there late and staying a while. So that would put youor camera in a good food source area for late night calling. For daytime hunting your going to have to track them to the bedding area. Which is probably a couple of miles from you. See if you can get them to howl at sundown. Jimmie


Last night's camera pics showed only two coyotes... one at 12:30 AM and one at 2:50 AM... no early morning (5:30ish) visitors like the night before. Most of my bait was still there this morning, unlike the previous night where they devoured it all. Poured some more bacon fat over the bait to see if they will return tonight to finish it off. I had a camera pic from last week that showed the outline of three yotes running across the yard, but I have yet to get a "good" pic of all three together. I set a second camera up 180 degrees to the first to see if I can catch anything staying out of site.

10 PM curfew fire whistle usually can get them yipping... They always sound very close, but the sound carries quite abit across the open field between my house and the in-laws. So it is hard to tell how close they really are.


This pic is from my neighbor's game cam that I am borrowing. It is a much older Stealth Cam IR that has a very slow trigger speed. You can see my Bushnell Trophy Cam in the background. I have both cams mounted on a photo light stand head that are then mounted on 1/2" re-bar so I can set up anywhere with the help of a sledgehammer. I may even change to video capture for tonight, although I am not sure yet.

Update: I finally had a chance to take a measurement against one of the tall weeds next to the coyote. Best I can figure, to the top of the ears on the last pic, he (or she) stands 25" tall. I decided to switch to video for tonight's bait. Can't wait till morning.


Video from the other night. I need to bump up the capture time to a full minute. Pretty cool to see how cautious they can be. Other clips showed them circling down wind before coming into the bait. You can learn a lot from watching video of them.