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montana trip part 6

Started by nor-cal yote, November 16, 2010, 09:37:11 PM

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nor-cal yote

Well one tag down one to go, with the deer loaded in the truck and lunch in our bellies we headed out to do another push for elk. We lined up on the road and pushed down through the the timber to the bottom. I was in the middle with two guys on each side of me about 70 yards apart. We had a few guys at the bottom. We were in there about 10 mins and I heard a shot from on of the guys on my left. I moved back up towards the road, Pat told me that the elk usually head back up towards the road or push out at the bottom. About 10 minutes goes buy and I hear another shot, closer this time, now I'm getting nervous I am about 20 yards from the road. I am facing the direction that the shot came from. About 40 yards to my right a bull elk walks out turns broadside and looks right at me. Bang flop, he doesn't move and I am saying to myself don't get up don't get up. I walk over to him touch his eye with the muzzle, no movement. I sit down in the snow and just stare at him. My buddie Allen walks up and asked how many points, I told him I haven't even looked yet. We looked and it was a 6x6 bull about a three year old. Carl and Allen had both shot him but missed. I didn't really know how to feel, it was weird. we cleaned him and loaded him next to the deer and headed back to camp to hang them

never yell whoa in a horse race


Congrats!   Nice bull and buck.   :congrats: 

QuoteI didn't really know how to feel, it was weird.

I think I'd feel HAPPY!   :biggrin:


Danged if you didn't get that camera working!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:   :laf: :laf:  Those are some fine looking critters you were able to harvest. I'm glad you had a safe & enjoyable trip & that your hunt will be a memorable one. Thanks for sharing everything with us!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Right on :yoyo:.  Not always the guys on the outside who get the shot. 
I say what I think not think what I say.

Hawks Feather

I guessing that they are calling you Mr. Lucky.  Since you have both tags filled do you now get to play dog or are you now the camp cook?
