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Cicadas (sə-ˈkā-dəs)

Started by FinsnFur, August 07, 2011, 07:07:35 PM

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I'm not sure what it is that these things like about my big ole pine tree out front, but every summer there's tons of dried up Cicada skins hanging from it.

Me and the kids discussed how cool it would be to actually see them shedding there skin some time.
Well Saturday morning was the day. :eyebrownod:
Loading the truck for a lil fishing about 7:am I noticed something unusual on the tree so I stopped to take a close look and I'll be danged there was a couple of them emerging from their skins.
They acted like there were in a coma. You could wave your hand around them and they were pretty incoherent. But they kinda throbbed as they hung out of their skins like they were bending over backwards there. :confused:
It may have taken me 30 minutes tops to get things ready since I got a phone call about halfway through, but I was in complete shock at how fast the emerging Cicadas progressed.
When I first seen them they were like dripping wet aliens with no real distinguishable appearance and resembled nothing I've ever seen before.
Within the 30 minute time period, the pink alien cartilage had turned into green wings and formed an obvious flying insect.
It was quite boggling to see it all happen, and amazing how fast they convert.

Two different Cicadas pictured here.

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Man that looks prime  :yoyo:

About 30 of them buggers and a stick of butter would have made a fine dinner tonight. :highclap: :highclap:



yeah, seen a lotta the skins around,
but never experienced the act before,
pretty cool.
Ugly little suckers though.


I been watching the tree for more. I'm gonna take your advice CCP and fry some up if I can get a batch.
Musta been the right time and the right place last weekend, cause I havent seen em since.
I can sure hear them though.
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Todd Rahm

Thats cool shit Jim!!!!!  :congrats: I think ya need to start an insect bug forum.  :biggrin:

I ran across a hobo spider last night that had about a 100 babies on her back but didn't have a camera or my phone.  :doh2:


The girls noticed one let himself into the shop last night....
Luckily dad had his camera, pocketed but ready :eyebrow:

This dude's got some absolutely awesome camouflage going on. Check this out, what is that, mossy oak? LOL

Another vacated skin
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Pretty amazing and great pix...I think a bug forum would be cool I always take pix of weird critters.