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Any suggestions on use of the Flambeau Coyote Decoy?

Started by Teamroper, September 12, 2011, 11:20:00 AM

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Just purchased the Flambeau Coyote full-size decoy. I would like to know if anyone out there has tried it here in the East and had any success (or problems) with it?  :shrug:

Also any suggestions on placement of the decoy here in the East.  :confused: I already have a Mojo Critter and thought about setting it up just under his jaw. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I am also a little concerned as to whether the young pups would be intiminated by this decoy during this time of year.  :wo: Thanks for any feedback.
When you stop learning from everybody else you are going backwards.

There's nothing like roping, riding and shooting, but boy, my horse hates it!-Teamroper


I'm sure you'll get some that are intimidated, and some that arent. It'd be impossible to cover every single possible scenario with fail-safe tactics.

I think PossumAl uses one of those decoys but I might be wrong.
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We have used one before. And we have killed coyotes using it, however I have never had a coyote run up to it. It may give anothe coyote a sense of ease to show himself. We like to sit ours down and howl only.


Personally, I don't like that particular decoy.  A friend of mine in Georgia was trying it and thought it was hard to transport, etc., and didn't have much luck with.  I told him that I prefer the Yote Coyote by Edge Expedite.  It is simple to transport and set up and is much more realistic in appearance, in my opinion.  I have an extra tail for it, and I hang it in Yote Coyote's mouth with the ecaller hidden in the cover right beside him.  When the coyotes come in to investigate the sound I am using, it is downright comical to watch them switch from audio to video mode. The big old males and females will raise their hackles and start circling slightly, closing the gap all the time.  Sometimes they stop and give old Yote hell, but generally they just circle enough to get a better view of the intruder who has one of their critters in his mouth, in their territory.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I also have what looks to me like the Edge.  I got it as a gift and have only used it a bit.

My best learning stand with it I put it 20 yards side wind to me when I was using a hand call, with the body turned 45 degrees toward me which made the head look at the source of the call sound.  The decoy was on a low ridge sticking up ten feet above a low brush flat, silhouetted, and any coyote within a quarter mile could see it.  It looked like a coyote that had come in and was looking at the call sound.  A YOY male coyote came in to my call and spent more time looking at the decoy than at me, but approached within 35 yards.

I have no idea how to use such a decoy, but decided that to have it looking at me from a fairly close distance would either reassure or confuse others coming in.  I have not tried to draw another coyote to the decoy.

From observing coyote body language, I would not place the decoy so that its rump is toward the call sound.  That is a retreat posture to other coyotes, telling them to run away from this sound.


There is a lot of good thinking in Okanagan's post.  A lot of the deer bowhunters position their decoys in a way that they know the buck it attracts will likely come in "Eye to eye" with it, giving them a good shooting lane.   I always use the Yote Coyote decoy to make it appear the sound is coming from his mouth.  If I am using the Yote Coyote and the Edge Reddy Fox, and a coyote and fox fight sound, I want them facing each other like the battle is ongoing..  If I place old Yote in such a way as he can be seen from long distances by incoming coyotes, I just plain want him positioned where he is likely to be seen from the most angles.  I am not close to him at all, so I leave coyote scent beside him and the ecaller hidden close enough to him that an observer from 200 to 300 yds away will think it is old Yote doing the howling. 

I have never used decoys on every stand, but on the ones where I think it is an advantage, I don't hesitate to use them.  A lot of coyotes have ended up graveyard dead because they stop and start barking and raising hell at the sight of the intruder in their territory.  In a lot of cases, I would not have seen them if they didn't make that mistake.  Nothing works all the time in coyote hunting, as most experienced coyote hunters know, but it doesn't hurt to gain a little edge when you can.

Dang old coyotes eat possums all the time; got to be extra sneaky and careful when calling them!   :biggrin: :biggrin:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I have one but most of the time it is used in the flower bed to keep the deer out!  I suppose it has some use, I have only used it once while calling and nothing came in.   I just can't handle carrying anything more than my rifle and caller anymore.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs