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Does size matter to a guy?

Started by Dave, October 16, 2012, 01:07:16 PM

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That brought back some memories! As a kid, hunting with dad and some of his friends, we were sitting on a hill overlooking a BIG valley. Down in the bottom a long ways off, a few does were feeding. We were deciding if we could get closer without spooking them when Rick decided he could drive them toward us by putting a bullet from his .44 mag. just on the other side of them.  :doh2:  He leaned across the tailgate and took careful aim on a spot he figured would land the bullet about 20 ft beyond the biggest doe. He fired. She stepped forward at the same time the gun went off and revealed a fawn in all its spots standing beside her. We waited what seemed like hours,  :fingerx: and then watched the fawn drop like it had been hit with a wrecking ball.  :doh2:  :sad3: Rick had shot about 20 feet short of where he wanted to hit, and the deer turned and ran to within 75 yards of us. Rick had filled his doe tag. He picked the fawn up the same way you would pick up a puppy, by the scruff of the neck, and carried it that way back to the pickup to dress it.  :laugh2: :laugh2:

Edit for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

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I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.