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Call Prices

Started by BryanStanley, March 29, 2007, 05:47:01 AM

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I have been looking around on the internet for some ideas to put into my own calls. And I have noticed that the prices for duck and goose calls are up there. Is there a reason for the price difference between duck calls ans say , deer, predator turky calls? Just curious if we as predator calls makers are selling our work short or is there something else behind it all.



I have been selling duck and goose calls for years.  When I started making predator calls I was SHOCKED that we don't get squat for our work.  I wish I knew why it was so different.  There are some predator calls that I put WAY more time into making.  Who knows.



For starters, duck and goose hunting and calling is considered elitist sports. You're always hearing about big shot CEO's and politicians going duck hunting. There is a larger number of people hunting ducks and geese than say coyotes. It simply is a case of supply and demand. Then throw in the big duck calling contests and The Wings Over The Prairie Festival in Stuttgart and you have the biggest factors in the pricing of duck and goose calls. Everyone entering the contests want the best call money can buy. Therefore, duck callmakers saw an easy way to increase price without dropping sales. Throw in the number of duck call collectors, and the price again increases. Not to mention the amount of readily available information about duck and goose calls. Custom predator calls are just starting to increase in availability and variety. People are starting to show the interest needed to promote such an increase in price with predator calls. Not as many call makers have showed as much interest in promoting custom predator calls as much as duck and goose calls either. As this sport grows commercially, the number of hunters will increase and so will the interest in better calls. When this happens, you will see an increase in call prices. Brian.
Brian Keahey
Texarkana, TX 75503


I agree with Brian just not enough die hard coyote hunters to be a big market. I would guess the majority of custom call buyers come to the predator hunting boards and it usually only consist of  3 or 4 thousand hunters.

Opening day of duck season the road is full of hunters, hard to find a parking place at the boat ramp here on Guntersville lake. Opening day of coyote season..well you get the picture. Duck hunters usually hunt in groups and hang together in groups this causes people to want to show they have the best and prettiest call around there neck.

Go to the local basspro or gander and hang around the predator hunting aisle. I have talked to many coyote hunters there and they have never heard of finsandfur or PM or huntmasters. They never seen or new they could get a custom predator call. When telling them about custom calls they mostly just ask well what do you think about the this Bla Bla commercial call.

  The only time I have seen more than 2 coyote hunters in a day was at LBL which had around 30 hunters from the east. I would be willing to bet out of that 30 only 4 or 5 (at best)had custom calls before joining a predator forum. I think it would be  hard to sell a custom call to the new coyote hunter,like trying to sell a clark custom ar to a new coyote hunter.

Plus most coyote hunters I know are tight wads did I mention cheap :biggrin:




QuotePlus most coyote hunters I know are tight wads did I mention cheap  :biggrin:

:hahaha: Hey... I resemble that remark!   :roflmao:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Quote from: CCP on March 29, 2007, 04:31:12 PM

Plus most coyote hunters I know are tight wads did I mention cheap :biggrin:


Well if CH1 resembles that remark..........where does that leave me?  :wo:
I guess in the "BUM" status...... :eyebrownod:

I'll make a sign and put it up......."Will work for Custom Predator calls"......... :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Yep. A lot o truth in what's being said.  Right now, varmint hunter just want something that works.  Let's face it; there's nothing glamorous about a Critter Call or a Tally-ho.  But they work.

And E-calls - - - I just can't see duck hunters using E-calls .    :wo:  Maybe in time this will change.  Maybe we have a front row seat in the development of custom predator calls.  I can think of several names on this forum that may be considered "pioneers" years down the road.


there is quite a influx of callmaker's rescently. they sell them cheap. i would say were blue worker's coyote hunter's.  bottum line it take's awhile to earn a name in the calling industry. duck callmaker 's are the elite but you have to make a name .i havnt bought a custom call in a long time just isnt the same. i would buy a Ladobe, Rhino, Rare earth. Al's bonker and several other guy's here.  i have alot of call's. 30 or 40 i dont even know who made them. you build a style not just abunch of different one's. i'm bad a that it depend's on the figure i just go with the flow. there is way to many call's flooding the market it will slow. lot of guy's that just started only been making call's a few month's. they will disapear or be good enough and stick around. Rick


I've known for awhile that predator calls are a good buy. I don't how some of you do it other than just for the fun of it. Kinda like Varmint hunting where you put in all this $ into something that you have to go ask permission to do them a service. :rolleye:


Here's one for those duck hunters ...

THO Game Calls

When it comes to the price of Predator Calls, two things come to my mind

1)  The calls will bring what the market will bear

2)  in the infamous words of Pogo -

         We have met the enemy, and he is us.

THO Game Calls
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results