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Understanding call makers.

Started by Todd Rahm, March 31, 2007, 10:44:25 PM

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Todd Rahm


I work a week on, week off schedule...........basically 7/12's and on the off week I generally work 3/12 hour days of OT. Not that this an issue.  :wink:  But, my work is kinda remote and doesn't allow me into town during my work weeks, hense no post office runs.  :madd:

What I would like to take this oppertunity for is to............thank you call makers that allow me that couple of days to get into town and send your payment off. Its not that I'm not good for the funds, but I sure feel guilty some times waiting to get your payment out to ya. I know its not a big issue to most, but I pride myself on good and timely payments.

So agian,         I, thank you call makers that have allowed me to do this. Your all great fellas.  :congrats: :congrats:

P.S. The Wife is not an option for payment except for in extreme emergencies.  :biggrin: We have the "Don't ask, Don't tell" relationship when it comes to what I spend and how many calls I buy.  :innocentwhistle:

Thanks again fellas, your all class acts.  :bowingsmilie:



Actually, scratch that....now that we know that your going to be delayed, and why, we got that much more time to slip in and buy these calls.  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:
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Todd Rahm

Lol............I use PayPal every once in a while Jim, but thats also part of "what the wife don't know won't hurt her".  :sneer:

And few, custom fellas take PayChump  :biggrin:

Brad H

I work 7 on 7 off myself. I live at my job and don't see home the 7 I'm on so I know what you're talking about.

So NOT a problem. I'll cater to anyone who wants one of my calls with whatever I need to do to accompany whatever the customer's situation might be.

BTW Todd, again and while I'm thinking about it, throw that non custom call pic showing work computer into the nearest drilling rig pit, get a new picture showing pcu and charge it to the company, then give youself a couple days off paid to re cooperate from the extra work and stress that transaction took. If I can help out in any other way let me know.


THO Game Calls

Whew - I thougt we were all going to get a spot on Dr. Phill. 

Glad you cleard that up Todd.   

On the other hand, there are folks who end up waiting a long time for calls from us call makers who must wonder if the reason they have to wait so long is that we are on here so much   :confused:

THO Game Calls

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Todd Rahm

Al, I don't worry abou my calls for a long while from this bunch. Heck I got one I'm waiting over a year on, just got another from last fall, and have to coming from November.  :wink:

But, ya know the way I see it is, that good things are worh waiting for, and I'm not concerned about being forgotten about.  :biggrin:


Quote from: THO Game Calls on April 01, 2007, 12:29:35 PM
Whew - I thougt we were all going to get a spot on Dr. Phill. 

THO Game Calls

roflmao!  :roflmao:
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