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Fawn Distress

Started by Bills Custom Calls, March 27, 2007, 01:41:23 AM

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Bills Custom Calls

Can anyone tell me how to to make this sound on an open reed.Can it be done on either on of these calls?

open reed distress

open reed howler

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I use a closed reed that I tune for just fawn distress most of the time to get a fawn cries. I do have a couple open reed calls that will make the sound very well though.

The best way I have found to find the spot in the reed your looking for is to put the call in your mouth and start at the base of the reed were it meets the barrel. Start blowing and ease out the bridge and listen to the sound change. When you find the spot on the reed that sounds the best then you got it.

Closed reeds seem to let me put allot more emotion into my fawn distress, more feeling and better control. But everyone is diffrent.

If you cant get it, give me a call and I will see if I can help you out.


Jerry Hunsley

Kee Kee is right and I might add just a little bit. If you pooch your cheeks out and not use too much lip pressure you can find the right tone as you move up on the reed.

Bills Custom Calls

Haven't had much time to practice this yet.Got a new toy in the basement that is taking up some of my spare time,and working some overtime at work.Thanks for the offer Brent I may still have to take you up on it.


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


That's pretty much it.  I now do all of my fawn bleats on open reeds and the chipmunk cheeks are the best way to regulate the air... rather than diaphram air like howling or long bloody distress series. 

One thing I might add; I really use my hands a lot to channel the sound and dampen the volume throughout a  bleating series.   I exaggerate a fawn bleat much more with my hands than other distress sounds- it's my most succesful sound through the spring/summer months.  15 seconds of bloody distress cries followed with 1-2 minutes of lonely bawling (repeated) will really knock out some summertime k-9's.   

Good luck;

PS: I have been fortunate enough to spend a LOT of time around whitetail fawns... bottlefeeding them by the dozens... if you have the chance you should spend some time around them.  A lot of the tapes/recordings I hear are very unrealistic for newborn fawns- I think Foxpro's cat sound is closer than it's fawn bleat.


I have heard Foxpro's cat sound online and have used the housecat distress on my Preymaster and I can tell you the does DO NOT like it.
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