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Ya'll gotta help me decide...

Started by Arkyyoter, April 02, 2007, 03:04:53 PM

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OK guys.....some of ya'l have been following this call...some I am certain have not...

At any rate, it is Indian Water Buffalo horn at the mouth, a piece of Colorado Rcky Mountain Elk antler for the band, and Tulip wood for the call body...it is seamless.

I finished it with a multi-coat oil finish, followed up with a wax on top....it is buffed to a great shine , then dulled slightly to give it a classic finish...not too dull, not too bright.....as smooth as glass....a brass reed, encloded in a JC reed sleeve....sounds so sweet.....softly or loudly, your choice....ya can't blow too lightly or ya can't lock it up...it is right!

Now for the decision....what do I do with this call??? Do I auction it, sell it out right, or keep it for a fancy call contest?? I have probably 12 - 15 hours in it, in addition to the cost of the materials....as ya'll know, the water buffalo horn isn't cheap...

It is a personal best to date.....I cannnot find a flaw,on any side....and I am my own worst critic...

Please help me out here....I am up a stump...



The first thing that came to mind was to send it to me! LOL But then I thought a little and thought that you should keep it.  It's a personal best.  We're always getting better at call making but this one is obviously special to you.  I say keep it and use it to show others what we all know you are more than capable of reproducing.

When you feel like you can't take another step, ALWAYS take one more!


CPCMCA www.custompredatorcallassociation.com

THO Game Calls

I've made a few calls that sometimes I wish I had kept, but I know, as a call maker, there will always be another call, another piece of fancy wood, another idea that, like yours, just seems to come together.

For me, and soimehow I believe for you too, puttng a smile on someones face, putting your best work in someone elses hand to appreciate, is worth more than a shelf full of you best work any day.  

I say, sell the call, and know that there is someone out there that will appreciate it as much, if not more than you do.  It's why we make calls Joe.  We make them as much for others as we do for ourselves.  

Let me be the first to congradualte you as it is a magnificent peice of work.  

THO Game Calls

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Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Brad H

I know what I would do...I'd sell it. When I come up with something new, the more I like what I did, the more I want someone else to have it.

You could auction it. That might be a crapshoot though unless you start with a high minimum. Or you could set the price you think you should get for it and sell it outright. That call deserves a decent price tag. You've put a lot of work into it and it shows.

That is a beautiful finished product.

BTW, what do you mean by seamless? The wood itself? That one kinda threw me.



Oh so I got the first NON call makers perspective.  :biggrin:

I'd probably either want to give it to someone your are extremely close to, no not your wife, preferably a hunting partner, or put er in your showcase. You are doing a showcase aren't ya?

By the way, that thing really came out nice. I can clearly see your dilemma.  :yoyo:
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I think I would sell it as well. It just don't deserve a shelf life. Or I would give it away to someone or some your even that meant allot to me.

I give my dad several calls and friends as well. Just to show them how much I appreciate what they do for me.

If I was going to sell it. I would set my price to were you were satisfied with the amount.

Again very nice work Joe! Very nice! You out did yourself this time!



man thats a sweeeeetttt call I would auction it off .... as I said when I first saw it I would be proud ta hang that one on my lanyard anyday  :biggrin:

PS I would even start the bidding with $50   :eyebrow:  beings as part of that call comes from Colorado I would love ta see it find a home here as well  :biggrin:


That is one purdy call Joe...... but it isn't the only one you've posted that got drool on my keyboard and I don't expect it will be the last either. I like the idea of someone using it vs it just being on a shelf. I know that when I make it to the top of your list I plan on them being on my lanyard.

I don't think you could go wrong selling it to one of the fellas here. It would be appreciated, admired, and used.

Net, do what feels good to ya...... and then get your butt back in the shop and best it!  :biggrin:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

Bob D

If it were mine, I would set a minimum bid and put it up for auction. You aren't gonna be happy keeping it at home.This call needs to be shown to the public. Let someone pay you for your masterpiece. And then see if you can better this one on your next call ?


joe, if you decide to sell the call i would like a crack at it.

my name is steve and im addicted to bonkers


Great work Joe!  I say sell it. Or better yet, give it to a good friend whom you respect.  That way you leave behind a biit of legacy.  Which sounds better:  My friend Joe made this for me . . . or . . .  I made this back in '07?  


"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

Todd Rahm

Well Joe thats a heck of a dilemma to be in. I'm glad I'm not you.  :whew:  :wink:

She's a beautiful call for sure. Bottom line its your baby, but I'll try to place myself in your shoes. Part of me says give it to some one special to ya, the next part of me says sell it to Quacker.  :biggrin:

While auctions seem to be the new wave, theres a lot of variables with them, but theres to many variables to them. The call could go for a lot and ya would be tickled, the call could go for far less then its worth and ya would be sad, or the call could go for a middle range price and ya would wonder is it not that great. (Which is not true)

When it comes to auctions it just boils down to the right folks having the money at the right time, and paying attention to the net at the same time.  :wink:  Like me.  :sneer: Ten minutes before I read this post, I committed to another deal for a set of calls, or I'd be honored to give ole Quacker a run for his money.  :wink:
(I miss a lot of nice calls this way, but ya know I cant have them all, and its great to have other friends collecting too)

I think you would be better off putting a solid price on it and selling to some one who really would appreciate to have it. Unless ya do have that someone special. Either route, I would think, would be more admirable and respectful to you  Joe.

You be safe Buddy and love the work,


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Thanks guys....everything that has been said is valid. I will have to digest it and make a decision.....I think I am leaning toward............... :innocentwhistle:  :biggrin:

Thanks again....I value all your input.

This is an extremely busy time of year arounde here, yards and gardens and all the springtime stuff, so it will be slow for me for a while, so far as call making....

Man, I love this board...



For one thing Joe that will always be your call no matter who owns it.
To this point it's your Masterpiece. It's your baby that you have strived for.  You made it & it is sooo good! The only thing someday it'll be an also ran.  I believe it will.

Slap a price on it & get it out the door because it's you that's the Master & it's just a piece.


Sell it and make a better one.
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8

Hawks Feather


If it were mine, which it is not, I would not necessarily put it up for sale right away.  There are calls that I have not put up for immediate sale and held on to just as a reminder of what I can do when all the turning, sanding, polishing, etc. goes exactly the way it I would like it to go every time.  Several of these I have sold later and several I have kept.  The little laminated Burl and Blackwood is an example of one that I still have on the bench as a reminder.  It has been my inspiration for a call that is already sold (probably)  and another that I will be posting in a few days.  In the end it will be your choice and it looks like it will be one that you have taken the time to consider.


P.S.  Really nice looking call