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Deleting, canceling and terminating. 🤣

Started by Todd Rahm, January 15, 2021, 03:05:57 PM

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Todd Rahm

Well fellas, I deleted Twitter long ago (kids had me on it). Deleted Facebook after in generated an out going messenger text to a Christmas light show in Chattanooga (just from a conversation the wife and I had sitting in bed one night. No phones in hand.) and they imported my physical address to my account. Getting ready to delete and cancel Amazon as soon as I get packages the wife and daughter ordered. I’m not down with company’s that regulate a one side story and manipulate things.

I considered Parlor before Google, Amazon and Apple thought it good to shut it down. I did notice that parlor asked to have access to all the same stuff FB asked for? 🤔

At any rate I’ll keep this iPhone until it dies then move on to another company.

Who else is severing ties to left? 🤣🤣🤣

Seems I’ll be spending a lot of time on here is the web now. 😀


 I don't have to sever I never started ha ha!  I have had people bugging me for years to get a Facebook and I have absolutely no interest in it and especially will not now after their censorship.


I never used my FB account much. My personal info is all lies. I never trusted them and never posted anything remotely personal.  No pictures. Nothing. I did go ahead and cancel the account about 3 weeks ago.  I also use a VPN to further confuse the bastards. As I type this I am in Texas.  :biggrin:

I haven't cancelled twit yet but it is next on my list. 


 We still use dial up land lines in my neck of the woods . :alscalls:


I've never had Twitter or I take that back I did go check it out once but it didn't last 2 days.
I left Facebook a couple months ago when they were censoring, blocking, and editing my posts. At one point I was in a conversation with a friend about how angry I was getting over the hype on the virus. I said I feel like the whole thing is a scam. They smacked a label over it the next day blocking it saying that it was false information. What was false information? I was stating my feelings and my opinion. But I had already had enough at that point. I tried deleting as many pictures and info as I could. It won't let me delete the account. I do still have Wisconsin wolf hunt and my hosting Facebook pages which I very much minimized and I would like to get rid of. I don't agree with anything they have done it's like a complete takeover and censorship of Conservatives and Christians which just boils my blood.
As far as the phone listening in, there have been articles on that and they avoid turmoil by pointing out the fact that we all inconspicuously agreed to it when we registered an account. And there's directions out there that tell you how to disable your microphone from Facebook. I agree with you, Facebook should never need the microphone to begin with. But they put it in the fine print and we let it go. Big tech has got a serious monopoly unfortunately it's controlled by the left and it's going to put a hamper on a lot of things for a lot of people.

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I forgot to say I did check out Parler when I left Facebook but it seemed to be a bit confusing. Some people say it's like Twitter which I have no experience in. I left it on the back burner then went back later and learned a little more about it and ended up liking it. Well, it's gone now lol. I do have an account at Mewe which is kind of fun but I don't know anybody over there lol

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Never had twatter or farcebook. Dropped mozilla products, amazon and blocked as many of the left as possible.
The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting.
It's about Freedom.

Let's Go Brandon.  FJB


Quote from: KySongDog on January 15, 2021, 05:13:31 PM
I never used my FB account much. My personal info is all lies.

Ditto here.  I just haven't gotten around to closing it out, gotta do that.  Don't have the rest and would like to figure out how to totally avoid Google, an outfit I hate anyway

Hawks Feather

I still have FakeBook and use it to let parents know that I have uploaded pictures from the high school games that I have attended.  I also follow a couple of groups there, but don't post and only view it for information.  Other than these, the only thing I do on it is wish some friends Happy Birthday.

I too tried to join Parler, but no matter what I did I could never get it to finalize my registration.  I tried with Nord protection off, on with different locations, and anything else I could think of with no success.  I did just get an invite to MeWe from my niece so I might check that out after I learn a little more about it.


Quote from: Okanagan on January 15, 2021, 09:55:39 PM
Ditto here.  I just haven't gotten around to closing it out, gotta do that.  Don't have the rest and would like to figure out how to totally avoid Google, an outfit I hate anyway

Some suggestions: use DuckDuckGo for searching (they also have a browser but I have not used it), use a VPN to protect IP address, use TOR browser for enhanced anonymity, use the Signal app for texting (it is encrypted).  There are lots of ways to protect your privacy. The downside is the more private you make things the more layers of inconvenience you add.


I haven't left FB entirely and can't due to the local contacts I have and my job. I have migrated over to MeWe for most of my "social" networking. It is similar to FB but with a simpler layout. I moved over there in 2016 when FB first started their draconian actions towards gun owners. MeWe is picking up steam but with the myriad of social media platforms that have been created to compete with Twitter and FB, I don't think it will ever be as popular as them. In the mean time though, I can post anything I want without being silenced and I have been buying and selling guns and ammo there too.