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brown bear takes moose

Started by desert dog, May 09, 2007, 10:29:17 AM

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desert dog

This happened this last Sunday morning down at Homer, the town below us on the Kenai Peninsula.  The brownies are out, no fish running yet, and they are hungry.  The couple that shot this had it happen in their front driveway.



"what you pay for your calls is your business, protecting them is ours"


Thats cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wow!  How would ya like to head out in your jammies down the drive to pick up the morning paper and run into that!!!


That was pretty cool. Didnt sound like the guy was going to be able to take watching it much longer  :laf:
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Hawks Feather

You can keep your bears right up there with you.  I know I can't run as fast as a moose so I would be breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack.



WOW !!! I like bears but I don't know about one feeding on a fresh kill in my driveway.


Cool video ! The most I getta see at the end of my driveway, is a cat eatin outa my garbage. :eyebrow:


Shows as "removed by the user".   :shrug:

Dogwood Creek


  It's back now..   Pretty cool, wish they would have caught the takedown more.


Just go on youtube and type in Brown Bear and a few neat Video's come up,,GOD i HATE YOUTUBE !!!
Everytime I go on there to look at ONE VIDEO I end up spending at LEAST an Hour looking at More Video's than I went there to see in the first place  :doh2: BUT I guess that shows how much I like it LOL
BUT That was a cool Video,,hell it sounded like the Guy was out of breath just being in his Living room,,so you know DAMN WELL he would be Lunch for that Bear IF he went outside,,In ALL HONESTY I would have shot that Bear JUST BECAUSE it looks to me like he was not afraid of ANYTHING and how long before YOU/ME was laying there gettin our
"Heart" ate out? and while he was looking into your Eyes at the same time as pulling your heart out and eating it !!!
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

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Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???