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Sound clip test

Started by canine, March 26, 2007, 04:40:46 PM

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Worked for me Rich.

Zander sounds pretty good!

Rich's opened with Windows Media Player and Zander opened with Winamp. Winamp is my default MP3 player.


Foxpro Field staff

Bob D

Yep Real Player, doesn't work for me


It's not the files fault for those having trouble getting them to play.

The link is just that...a link to putfile.com, which is just the storage holder of the file. There's no extension telling you what type of file it is. But it's a .wav file.
What your machines decides to use when your browser says, "hey this is a sound clip" is based entirely on each persons system.

You can actually open it with any sound capable player on your pc, real player, media player, sound recorder, div, quick time, or anything else you have.
Anyones PC not playing the file simply means that you do not have a default player in place for wav files.
No biggy, put one in place by opening any player you have installed. Look for options or preferences, and then "file types". Put a check in the box next to "wav"...save and close.  :biggrin:
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My last post is gone here too I guess. I did get it to work, thanks. Sounds good Rich !


iahntr ,
You had a post disappear too? I thought Jim was pissed at me or something. My last sound clip is missing from this forum and I had a whole new topic with a photo disappear from Hand call store. Aliens I guess. Dang Aliens.  :confused:
Foxpro Field staff


Yeah Rich there was a few of em lost in space from the switch over. You had one with your new buffalo horn howler on there didn't ya? You'll have to re post it.


"Yeah Rich there was a few of em lost in space from the switch over. You had one with your new buffalo horn howler on there didn't ya? You'll have to re post it."
WHEW! Sure is good to learn it wern't Aliens.  :roflmao:
Foxpro Field staff


 :roflmao: Oh I ain't sayin it's not, they're tricky little suckers :biggrin:


You must have missed the thread announcing I was moving the forums over to my own FinsandFurHosting server Rich.

I should have closed the forums while I did it, but you know these kids these days  :sneer: Naaaaaa we can do er.  :iroll:
Therefore while the transition was underway some folks were posting on the new server and some were posting on the old server.  :innocentwhistle:
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No biggy Jim. Old farts like me have been known to screw up a time or two also.  :laf:
Foxpro Field staff


Cronk recording of a wolf howl. I used my own vocal chords.
Click here to watch Cronkwolf
Foxpro Field staff


Lonesome coyote howl, using my voal chords.
Click here to watch voiceHowl
Foxpro Field staff


Sounds like the Old Master to me!
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: Rich on May 16, 2007, 12:59:13 PM
Cronk recording of a wolf howl. I used my own vocal chords.
Click here to watch Cronkwolf

Come on Rich, own up to the facts. I'll bet Mary cooked one of those extra special meals, and when she wouldn't let you have seconds, you got to howling like a wolf! :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff