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Made me a stand and had a learning experience

Started by slagmaker, November 11, 2007, 11:19:53 PM

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Well I finally got some time to make a stand at a friends place. :biggrin: Got to the hunting grounds about 11:30PM Set up was great. FX5 was on the other side of a little valley/gully about 50 yards away. Wind coming in from the west wich was jsut about perfect as it would be comming quarting in from my right. Got me a real nice place to sit. In the shadow of a old barn foundation with my back up agaisnt the weeds that were grown up around the old ruins of the barn. I sat there for about 10 minutes jsut to let things settle down. I started up my FX5 with the large rabbit distress and it played maybe half a second before the coyotes opened up and started singing. Had a group on the other side of the call moving towards me. They were on  the other side of a little rise and comming on strong. Had a group behind me start singin back to the ones I had comming towards me . Had my light force on low so I could jsut see any eyes that would present themselves to me. There they were! one set of eyes just coming across the top of the little rise. Nerves start jumping :whew: heart goes to pounding but I am holding perfectly still and looking through my scope at the eyes . Easy now! Here he comes! jsut let me get the cross hairs of the savage on him. The one that I saw let out a little yelp/bark and did a 180 and hit warp speed back the way he came and that was the  last I heard of any yote in the area.   BUSTED!!! :doh2: :doh2:

What went wrong? :shrug: He didnt wind me! :confused: Nope something much easier than that. :eyebrow: The little fur bucket saw me. :doh2: I didnt relize how well I was lite up form the side. the dust to dawn light form the neighbors 200+ yards away was more than enough for them to see me. I didnt relize that till I walked out to my call and looked back to where my stand was. With eyes that were used to the dark it was as plain as if I had a neon sighn over my stand. DANG DANG DANG DANG! :madd: :madd: :madd:Well noithing to do but pack it in.


Wonder when I should try that stand again. BUT from a better concieled location.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.

Brad H

Oh man, I've been there. Just when you think everything is perfect..... :doh2:

Sounds like you've got a good area though.



 :roflmao: That would suck. But at least ya had a potential customer.

Change up your call and I'd think you could go back in a day or two as long as you werent in the same spot.
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From the sounds of it I hade more than one potential customer.

yeah I went out and took a lot better look around and found some ceders that I can sit in. Gona try a diffrent sound in a couple days as long as the wind stay in my favor I should be ok. May even go get me a decoy. Was eyeing the Foxpro decoy but I may go with a quiver critter or a mojo. ANYTHING to help me out.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.