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Started by THO Game Calls, November 20, 2007, 05:26:40 PM

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THO Game Calls

Last week I started getting a number of e mails from folks telling me what an ass I was for going over to PM and starting trouble as LoperDog.  So I asked a friend to send me the links to the threads. 

First of all, I am not LoperDog, and I don't know who LoperDog is.  But I do care who he is, because what he did is disgusting.   I don't care why it was done, it just shouldn't have happened.  I only hope that he is not from this board but I'm betting he is.  And I'm hoping he is reading this because I am asking him to stop the BS.   It's easy enough to go to any board and make up a name and post away.  But it doesn't gain anything and in many cases, it hurts the people you think you are defending.   

If you are a call maker, and you want to use molded tone boards or CNC'd tone boards in your calls, then go for it.   That's your business.   If someone doesn't like it, they won't buy your calls.   Just as if someone doesn't want a brass band on their call, they probably wont buy one of mine.  So what.  There are plenty of callers out there, and new ones picking up the sport every day.   None of us who work in a one man shop could make calls for all of them.  Just make the best calls you can right now, and tomorrow try to make a better one.   Have pride in what you do, confidence in your abilities, and be honest to both yourself and your customers.   Sell the positive aspects of your calls.  Don't degrade the other guys call because yours is different or you use a different method or material to make them.  There has been enough of that on these boards to last several lifetimes. 

So LoperDog, whoever you are, read this, and then read it again.  Let it sink in.  I don't care if you were my best customer, my biggest supporter, my biggest fan, right now, I am ashamed that you are probably from this board, ashamed that I probably know you, and ashamed that you probably have some of my calls in your kit. 

For five years I have been saying there is just too much back stabbing in this hobby.  Too much greed.   I've taken it in the ass several times for speaking out, and it's why I finally walked away from the boards and decided to stop helping new call makers.   Now this.   It's unacceptable to me, LoperDog, and it should be unacceptable to all call makers.  I don't want any part of it, and I don't want any part of you.   If you want to continue playing, leave my name out of it.  I make calls and I run a call supply store, but because of stuff just like this, I no longer participate on the boards. 

And that Rainshadow – is the end of the saga.

A.G. Woodard
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I was given the link to that thread too, and first off, I never even considered it being you Al.
In fact the only thing that stuck out in my mind was mason_jarr's reply and how he automatically diagnosed the situation as a Fins and Fur member intruding them.  :confused:  :iroll:

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Well, that answers the question that I had. I guess this guys posts are in the call makers room or hand calls room.

I couldn't find anything earlier. Oh well. If he is on this board, maybe he will stop, hopefully for your sake Al.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

Hawks Feather


Sorry to hear you are being bashed for something you didn't do. 

I didn't know anything about it because I haven't spent much time on PM.  I check the calls every couple of days, but that is about it.  I am just trying to watch as my $75 fee to post calls slowly dwindles.  I am nosey and went over to check the posts and it looks like they have removed him/her and all posts.  I checked the user name for Loperdog and even that came up blank.  So it looks like the moderators have taken care of the problem.

:holdon:    I sincerely hope that it was not a member here.  There is far too much bashing of boards going on and there is really no sense in it.  If someone likes it here fine, if you like it somewhere else better, fine.  But, there is no reason to try to cause turmoil on any board.  Trying to get "up" by putting someone else "down" is not a good practice.  (O.K.  I am off my soapbox.)



QuoteThere is far too much bashing of boards going on and there is really no sense in it.  If someone likes it here fine, if you like it somewhere else better, fine.  But, there is no reason to try to cause turmoil on any board.  Trying to get "up" by putting someone else "down" is not a good practice.  (O.K.  I am off my soapbox.)


Very well said Jerry! And thats about all I can say! I sure hope this person is not from here!



when I read the thread I noticed that Lopedog said some stuff that an outsider would not  know.

He mentioned the Hob fees and talked about certain things the Mods. pull over there. He does know what the deal is on some stuff.

He went after Tebbe, so he knows the antics that he has been involved with also.
Hopefully he IS NOT from here, maybe just one of the MANY unhappy x-posters that they have over there.

As I said to THO, this guy has alot of time on his hands. I couldn't spell like that even after being hit in the head with a shovel while drunk!

And you can bet your bottom dollar that they are watching this forum real close!!!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I read it and was intrigued that whoever it was went thru the trouble, the entire time, to type the way they did. I am too lazy to pull that crap. It did seem that some were pointing an accusatory finger in the direction of FnF and what they thought may be THO, for some reason, with no real evidence to back it... It was a tad hokey and hackish the way "Loper" went about it. What would have been wrong with coming out and asking the question in a serious and inquisitive manner? Whoever it was deserves no more mention and I really can't believe that I have responded to a post about the goofball......... I am questioning my sanity

As a side bar, it is interesting watch just who takes posts like that to heart. AND I have noticed a depressing trend, there are quite a few members that say they will never purchase a " crappy production call" and it makes me laugh. Some of the best callers in the world use "those crappy production calls" to call in more coyotes in a year than most people will call in a lifetime. If you know what you are doing you can call them in with a tin whistle...... Custom tin or not.


I read some of his posts & could barely make it to the end of them. I doubted that anybody that was that damn backwoods hillbilly would even have much more than a string & 2 cans for a phone line so they couldn't post on the internet anyhow. :shrug:  I didn't think about it being anybody from here tho. I Just figured it was a lurker that wanted to stir up trouble for his own enjoyment.

sos if uzis areedin this hyar post loper,,, Just go back to your banjo playing.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


No offense to any of the fine call makers anywhere in the world but I tend to agree with this statement>>Some of the best callers in the world use "those crappy production calls" to call in more coyotes in a year than most people will call in a lifetime. If you know what you are doing you can call them in with a tin whistle...... Custom tin or not.<<  I only have about 40 custom calls,, not much of a collection by some standards,, but one of my favorites is the green Circe squeaker. I don't kill a lot of coyotes but I have seen them come to that call & never got a shot. I've seen them come to the customs I have too. :shrug:  They are for the most part good calls with some practice. The same practice a custom call requires to get used to it. JMHO

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Troy Walter

I don't get involved in crap like this but I will say one thing about this loperdawg he needs to get a life.

desert dog

I couldn't agree more.  I read some of his posts over there and felt this fella was trying to hide behind his "slang".   The boards have seen enough bullshit over the past few years to have this continued.

Anyhow, let's go back to hunting boys!


"what you pay for your calls is your business, protecting them is ours"


I must agree....I NEVER get involved in that crap.....but that post seemed to be aimed at an individual who didn't really need it at the time... ( as if anyone ever needs it)...I responded to the post, guess I shouldn't have, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. At any rate, whomever it is, from whatever board, is a jazzhonkey in my book....period.

I understand those who stay away from the boards.....more and more I find myself spending less and less time on them...it really is a shame as I used to enjoy them immensely.



I gave up trying to follow along as it gave me a headache.

Bills Custom Calls

I had read a couple of his replies and  wanted nothing to do with it so I didn't make time to follow him around  and try to read all his misspelled words

Some folks aren't happy unless they are stirring a shitpot,and those folks make it bad for other folks

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I had read it and sent a pm to jim about it because I seen where someone over there had said it was him thought he should be aware of the situation.  personally I think too many people worry about these boards too much.  I have been on em for about 4 or so years between different hobbies and have gotten into piss fits with other members.  many of em take stuff the wrong way.  it is allmost getting to the point that you can not joke with a buddy about something without the fear of getting banned because the higher ups do not know you.  that is one thing I like about this board and the others I frequent often.  all have a fun hang out personallity and ribbin someone does not cause a rucous.  as far as what loper dog said.  he probaly is from here shame to say it but he probably is.  or he read stuff here.  but not once did I suspect al or jim for such nonsense.  remember fun is just a power button away.  if you are gettin mad about something on any of these boards pull the plug get outside and hunt.  takereasy ben smyser
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


They sent nasty and threatening E-mails to THO. Pretty BOLD to do that without knowing who it really is. Ya just can;t threaten people, especially when you have no idea of what your talking about!!

In the thread, one of the Mods. said that they know who it is. It is someone the used to know (I think referring to THO)

and they know it's him because of "IP tracking abilities"

Come on, do they really expect anyone to believe that? Obviously their "IP tracking abilities" SUCK because they tried to pin it on the wrong guy!!

The simple fact is that they have no idea who it is and will probably never know. Maybe Loperdog will just go away and more importantly, stay of this board.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I read that also but never thought the mods were singling out al at any one time.  I do remember tebbe saying that they had a idea who it was because of ip trackin abilities.  apparently though I doubt anyone will come forward with it at all.  I think I have a idea of who it is but will not say because I am not sure.  I just hope whoever it is man enough to come out and say it was them.  either that or I hope a guilty conscience gets to em for someone pinnin this to someone they obviously think is a friend. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


I don't know who Loperdog is or care for that matter.

Over the years I've been in one or two pissin contests on various boards.   In the end, no one really wins. You feel like sh*t when its over and everyone generally has a bad taste in their mouth because of it.  Anymore, I try to avoid getting sucked in to those situations.   Sometimes I don't succeed and I am the worst for it in the end.
