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In this sport anything can happen.

Started by onecoyote, January 27, 2008, 02:26:42 PM

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What's the strangest or funniest things that ever happened to you predator hunting?

I'll start it off with one of many stories that have happened to me. I was hunting Nevada late in the year for pelts years ago. My hunting partner and I found a good place to case out some coyotes that we got the night before in central Nevada.

We found an old wooden RR crossing that was a great place to start casing, so we got to work. I put my coyote up high so it was easer to pull the hide. As I was pulling on the hide I felt something hit me on the top of my head :confused: I didn't have a hat on so I reached up and had a hand full of coyote crap. :doh2: That little SOB got the last laugh on this old predator hunter. :hahaha: By the way, my hunting partner was rolling around in the snow laughing so hard he never finished casing his coyotes.

THO Game Calls

Well, Browning204 and I called in a Army Reserve Helocopter last year.   Funniest thing you ever saw.  We set up, started calling and within 5 minutes, over the tree tops, not more than 50 feet off the ground comes a helo.   I'll tell you, gave me a whole new pile of respect for what that Wildlife Tech e caller can do  :)

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